Disability jobs blow

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Disability jobs blow

The future of Bedford Millicent is in doubt, with its services likely to cease by the end of January, 2023.

Bedford Group has provided employment for people with disabilities at Millicent since merging with Millicent Work Options Centre in November 2008.

Fast forward 14 years and Millicent no longer provides garden maintenance, with its laundry services also on the brink of closing.

Garden maintenance officially ended on November 8, with the commercial laundry and coin operated laundromat soon to close.

Bedford Group chief executive Myron Mann said the organisation has been reviewing its operations over the past two years.

“Bedford has been reviewing its operations across the state to determine if they align with our commercial strategy, are fit-for-purpose and financially sustainable,” Mr Mann said.

Grounds maintenance had operated within the Wattle Range Council area, and the commercial laundry has been servicing clients in Beachport, Robe and Mount Gambier.

Mr Mann said lost major contracts and the need for large-scale renovations made running the Millicent site unviable.

“In recent years they had lost major contracts to the state government and other competitors, and the site now requires large-scale renovations, all of which combined have made running a business from our Millicent site financially unsustainable,” he said.

“While the review unlocked jobs and opportunities in new industries at our Mount Gambier site and some of our other regional centres, it also determined our Millicent laundry and gardening services were no longer viable.”

Mr Mann said it was a difficult decision.

“We have made the difficult decision to seek expressions of interest from other disability providers and like-minded businesses to either take over the operations with our team, or perhaps purchase the site and equipment for a new business,” he said.

“This might include re-training our team members into other roles.”

Mr Mann said the aim was to redeploy those employed at Millicent.

“Our aim is to redeploy everyone into either Bedford Mount Gambier, a related NDIS service in the region, or even Open Employment, if that is their wish,” he said.

“We will retain some of the gardening team members, while others have already set up their own gardening business, which is fantastic, and we are providing resources to support their transition.”

For the remaining 17 team members, Mr Mann said discussions had been taking place with other service providers in the region, Wattle Range Council, business groups and community groups including the Millicent Social Issues Group.

“We understand this can be a difficult or confusing time for our wonderful team members and we will support them and make available the services of an independent Employee Assistance Program for broader support around these changes,” he said.

“I want to reiterate that this decision has not come lightly and does not negate all the outstanding work, commitment, and passion our employees have displayed over several years to our customers, community and Bedford.

“Making sure all our services align with the NDIS requirements of providing meaningful employment support and, at the same time, pave the way for new skilled jobs and opportunities is critical.

“To date, we have only received offers to purchase the laundry equipment, so we will proceed with putting the site up for sale and, failing an outcome, will likely wind down operations by 31 January.”

Last year Millicent received a new commercial washer and successfully expanded their linen and laundry-cleaning service to three motels in the bustling tourist town of Robe.

They also took delivery of a new van and gardening vehicles to cater for their growing number of garden maintenance contracts.

Meanwhile, the Mount Gambier site carries out timber processing and contract cutting including decking, picket fences and wine boxes for businesses throughout South Australia and Victoria.

In 2017 $1m was invested into upgrading the Mount Gambier facility and in 2019 it was recorded as Bedford Group’s most profitable site.

However, Bedford has been downscaling with 19 sites in 2019 to 16 in 2021.

Although Millicent will be an additional loss in the number of sites operated by Bedford Group, the organisation has recently announced a $50m five-year investment plan.

The “biggest investment in Bedford Group history”, the plan includes the establishment of several new purpose-built facilities across Adelaide and regional SA as well as upgrades to existing sites.

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