Duo claims 2-4-2 event

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Duo claims 2-4-2 event

The Millicent Bowls Club held its 2-4-2 game last Thursday.

The event started at 1pm with 46 players taking part in the game and for a change the 20 ends were not interrupted with rain.

The team taking home first prize money of $46 was the duo of Phillip Keatley and John Drew with a score of 35+20.

The pair was in top form only going down on five of the 20 ends and winning by 20 shots.

Runners up for the day went to Mary Campbell and Rod Gibbs also with a good score of 33+22 and winning the drink voucher of $5 each.

Other winning teams for the day were, Rob Chambers and Peter Varcoe 33+18, Malcolm Wright and Peter Bateman 33+18, Fay Hill and Steve Carnellor 33+10, Liz Carnellor and Iain Campbell 33+8, Denis Cliford and Eddie Hann 32+3, Peter Dunnicliff and Ros Varcoe 31+3, Jim Campbell and David Nuske 29+1, Steve Skeer and Neil Whelan 30+2, Joy Warren and Derek Bowering 28+1 and a triple of Alby Cecotti, John Eldridge, Peter Scanlon 31+3.

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