Efficiency leads to early prep for new master plan

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Efficiency leads to early prep for new master plan

Key community stakeholders will be invited to participate in an Aviator’s Jury to assist in creating a new Mount Gambier Regional Airport Master Plan.

Most of the actions from the existing Mount Gambier Regional Airport Master Plan have been delivered ahead of schedule, prompting airport manager Nick Serle to begin the process of a new master plan.

The existing plan had a 10-year scope, from 2016-2026.

“It is therefore timely to commence work to create a new Mount Gambier Regional Airport Master Plan,” Mr Serle said.

“It is a credit to council and council officers that a majority of the actions from the previous masterplan have been delivered ahead of scheduled.

“Most of it has been delivered we are in a position to create the next masterplan.”

At Grant District Council’s February monthly meeting Mr Serle outlined the proposed timeline for the creation of the new plan, which would include establishing an Aviator’s Jury.

The plan will begin with stakeholder engagement in March where participants will be invited to take part in an Aviator’s Jury.

Mr Serle said the Aviator’s Jury would comprise airport businesses and tenants, Access and Inclusions Advisory Panel representative, council staff and members of the public approved by council officers.

Other stakeholders invited to participate include a First Nations representative, Regional Heritage advisor, neighbours of the airport, and representatives of the Australian Airports Association, Adelaide Airport and Flight Training Adelaide.

The intent of the jury is to provide input to and subsequent review of a draft Airport Master Plan.

A workshop has been scheduled to be held in April.

Mr Serle said input will be analysed by council officers during May and June ready for the draft plan to be presented to councillors, Aviator’s Jury and other organisations in September.

It is expected the final plan will be presented to elected members for adoption at council’s December monthly meeting.

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