Federal program targets Men’s sheds

Federal program targets Men’s sheds

As part of Men’s Health Week, the Federal Government is encouraging Men’s Sheds across Barker to apply for funding as part of the newest round of the National Men’s Shed Development Program (NDSP). Member for Barker Tony Pasin encourages all Sheds in Barker to apply for Round 22 of the NDSP. “Men’s Sheds play a vital role in preventing social isolation and mental ill health.

“They offer thousands of men of all ages a safe and friendly environment where they can work on meaningful projects while building strong social connections,” Mr Pasin said. “Our government is committed to ensuring that even during the pandemic, members can stay in touch and continue to provide meaningful contributions to their communities.”

Men’s Sheds can apply for financial support across the following funding categories:

• Category 1: Health, Wellbeing, and Events $8000 maximum.

• Category 2: Shed Improvements $8000 maximum.

• Category 3: Equipment $5000 maximum.

Mr Pasin said connection was the key to the success of the more than 1000 Men’s Sheds around the country. “The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough for many Australians, and it is vitally important that Shed Members remained connected to their community during this time,” Mr Pasin said.

“As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting Men’s Sheds, the Australian Government provided $500,000 to Sheds around Australia in the latest round of NDSP grants.”

Applications for the next round of Men’s Sheds grants is open until 16 July 2021. Those wanting to submit an application can visit mensshed.org/development-grants.

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