Fresh look for small school

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Fresh look for small school

Students at Nangwarry Primary and Preschool are dressing to impress, with a new school uniform.

Volunteers on the school’s Governing Council and Uniform Committee brought about the success redesign of the uniform.

“Their hard work, commitment, and collaborative spirit have resulted in a uniform that not only reflects our values and identity of our school that lives and breathes in the heart of the surrounding pines, but also ensures comfort and pride for our students,” the spokesperson said.

“We deeply appreciate the time and energy invested by all involved in this process.

“A special thank you goes to Stuart Miller the leader who made all this happen.

“On behalf of the staff and families at Nangwarry Primary and Preschool, we thank you for your invaluable contributions to enhancing the Nangwarry spirit and rebranding our school.”

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