Granny takes loo paper maker to task

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Granny takes loo paper maker to task

The Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill hosted two VIP visitors on consecutive days last week but only one tour was featured on the national media.

New Premier Peter Malinauskas toured the plant on Thursday as part of the State Cabinet’s visit to the region.

However, it was the presence of a 94-year-old social media celebrity the previous day which captured the headlines in the city newspapers and attracted a four-minute slot on the top-rating Sunrise breakfast television program.

Dubbed Granny Daffy, she had earlier launched a social media campaign about toilet roll issues and her home-made video went viral.

As a result, KCA arranged for her to fly to South Australia from her home in New South Wales and inspect the Millicent plant.

Accompanied by her granddaughter Melissa Prescott and a film crew, they saw the manufacturing process in full swing and were able to chat with the likes of mill manager Adam Carpenter and machine operator Heath Douglas,

The problem with toilet roll production identified by Granny Daffy was the occasional mis-placement of glue.

A KCA spokesperson said Granny Daffy was the first-ever Kleenex Official Toilet Paper Tester.

“We first got to know Granny Daffy recently, when she rallied her passionate online audience of fans to start a movement to #bringbacktheflap which is also known as the starter handle on our toilet paper rolls,” said the KCA spokesperson.

“This prompted a swift investigation and response from the Millicent Mill to ensure no further Aussie consumers would receive a roll without a flap.

Meanwhile, the Millicent Mill inspection the following day by Mr Malinauskas proceeded without fanfare.

Mr Carpenter briefed the Premier Peter Malinauskas about the proposed $70m hydrogen plant project during his visit to the mill.

It is being explored by KCA in partnership with an Adelaide-based diversified renewable energy company.

The proposed green hydrogen plant would enable the mill to reduce its reliance on natural gas which is sourced from the Katnook gasfields near Penola.

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