Grant Council meet delayed

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Grant Council meet delayed

Grant District Council was unable to begin its June monthly meeting at its specified time due to a quorum not being present.

Three of council’s nine elected members were seated in the council chamber prior to the usual meeting start time last week.

Under the South Australian Local Government Act for Procedures at Meetings regulations council has 30 minutes to commence a meeting when a quorum is present.

Two apologies had been received prior to the council agenda being made available to the public, from councillors Bruce Bain and Gavin Clarke.

Under the regulations, if a quorum will not be present at a meeting, the chief executive officer may adjourn the meeting to a specified day and time.

Before the meeting, Cr Brad Mann and Cr Peter Duncan informed they would be late arrival.

The meeting was able to commence 20 minutes after the scheduled start time when quorum was met.

Apologies from Cr Megan Dukalskis and Cr Karen Turnbull were made known at the start of the meeting.

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