Health minister sings volunteer praise

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Health minister sings volunteer praise

The volunteers and donors who are renovating the student nurse accommodation at Millicent and District Hospital have won high praise from Health Minister Chris Picton following his visit last week.

In particular, Minister Picton acknowledged the lead role played by the Millicent And Surrounds Health Support Group in transforming the former Matron’s Apartment into a five-bedroom facility.

“I was delighted to meet the Millicent and Surrounds Health Support Group during my tour of Millicent Hospital,” Minister Picton told The SE Voice.

“From the MASH Support Group chairperson Trevor Sinclair to all the members, the time and effort they have dedicated to upgrading the student nursing accommodation at the hospital showcases the region’s community spirit.

“It also helps in making those student nurses feel wanted in the community and will go a long way to attracting nurses and other health professionals to the area.

“Volunteers are an important part of every community, and the MASH Support Group is a great example of that.”

Minister Picton had previously visited the hospital as Shadow Health Minister but Thursday was his first since his Labor Party returned to government last year.

He inspected all areas of the hospital including its Sheoak Lodge aged care facility and then met privately with the MASH Support Group.

Other members of the tour party included Member for MacKillop Nick McBride, Millicent Health Advisory Council presiding member Dr Kevin McGrath, Millicent Hospital executive officer/director of nursing Michelle de Wit, Limestone Coast Regional Health Network acting chief executive Alison Miller and health network regional board deputy chairperson Lindy Cook.

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