Healthy field contests golf monthly medal

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Healthy field contests golf monthly medal

Mount Gambier Golf Club’s Saturday’s competition was the July monthly medal, with a healthy field of 97 players.

Once again the course proved a challenge, with only Peter Fox playing under handicap.

His nett 70 made him a clear winner of the monthly medal.

Peter will have bragging rights over his regular partners when he shows them his medal and is now a contender for the Barney Larkin Medal of Medal.

A Grade went to Bryan Pink with nett 72 on a countback from David Pick.

A long hitter which is important this time of the year, Pink was consistent with 41/41 and a birdie on the 17th, the most difficult hole on the course, getting him home over David Pick who was on track to repeat his win of last Saturday.

Similar to last week, Pick was square with the card after 12 holes but the course bit back with three late bogies.

Others to score well were Gary Wilson, Michael Cutting nett 73, Adrian Ballintyne, last week’s runner up continuing his good form, and Kevin Cook nett 74.

B Grade had the monthly medal winner in Peter Fox with net 70.

The 11 handicapper was ultra consistent with 41/40 comprising 8 pars and 10 bogeys Another 11 handicapper, Paul Reade was runner up with 73 being 42/42 but double bogeys on the 7th and 8th caused some pain, especially as Paul played the back nine first and a win was in sight.

It was still a good score in the conditions.

C Grade winner was Stephen Stott nett 75 on a countback from Dane Handreck.

It was interesting their handicaps are 18 and 17 respectively being low handicappers in C grade, reflecting the importance of consistency in stroke play.

Stephen was steady with 47/46 with pars on 4 and 16 and no major blowouts.

Dane with 44/48 had pars on 4, 5, 10 and 17 with the 13th causing some grief.

The ball rundown went as far down as nett 78 reflecting the sterner monthly medal test in winter conditions.

Thursday’s pro shop stableford was once again well supported with 87 players.

Once scores were finalised, Ian Wilson with 39 points was the leader from Stuart Skirving and Nic Clayton on 38 points.

With June rainfall exceeding all known records the course continues to present well, reflecting all the extra work currently happening.

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