headspace Mount Gambier has had to implement a temporary change of service deliver due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Community Liaison Worker Nick McInerney said headspace understood COVID-19 and its impacts were creating feelings of uncertainty in the community.
“We want young people and families to know that we are here to support their mental health,” he said.
“headspace Mount Gambier is continuing to operate in-person and has enabled phone and online services for those who prefer to access support via this method.
“We are monitoring this situation closely and will advise of any changes to our service delivery.
“For those attending the centre, we have rigorous hygiene measures in place to ensure the safety of young people, family and friends, and staff.
“We strongly encourage people to not attend headspace Mount Gambier in-person if they have been in contact with a positive case or have mild respiratory symptoms including, runny nose, sore throat, cough, or fever.
“Instead, please phone the centre on 8725 0443 to arrange an alternative appointment method to access mental health support.
“We understand this might be a very difficult time for many people in the community and we encourage you to access support.”
•You can access many resources on headspace.org.au and check out how you can support your mental health through the headspace account
•You can access support via phone and online service, eheadspace, open 9am -1am (AEST) 7 days a week for a 1-on-1 chat with a trained clinician
•You can also get in touch with your local GP to talk through support options in your area.
For emergency situations please call emergency services on 000 or call Lifeline 131 114 or Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 to talk to someone urgently.