The strong advocacy of independent Member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell has been critical in securing additional public housing in the Blue Lake city.
The State Government has boosted the stock with either new builds or major upgrades to vacant and tenanted houses.
Mr Bell asked Human Services Minister Nat Cook a question in the House of Assembly recently and she began her reply with generous praise for the local MP.
“We knew that people in the South-East really needed additional housing, so we are really proud that our first public housing builds in our 2022 election commitment have been built, in partnership with local builder Empak,” Minister Cook said.
“Our extra housing investment totals more than $12m in Mount Gambier.
“That has included 10 homes worth $4.6m and they are now complete and tenanted.
“Another four homes worth $1.9m are due to start construction next month, and we look forward to those being tenanted as soon as possible, with another eight homes going out to tender for about $3.2m any day now.
“In 2022-23, 19 homes in Mount Gambier underwent major upgrades also, and that was worth $1.27m and I understand they have already been tenanted.
“There are another 12 homes as part of that upgrade program in 2023-24 and I can advise also that nine of those are already completed and tenanted, and work is expected to be completed on another three in coming months.
“The average investment is $70,000 per home.
“As part of the election commitment, we are also doing additional maintenance on tenanted homes, and there is an aim for 90 homes in Mount Gambier to be completed by the end of this financial year.
“It is pleasing to note that over the last two years 233 allocations for homes have happened in Mount Gambier.
“So, the team are doing really well down there, not just bringing homes back online but supporting people into homes.”