Iconic Monbulla property sold

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Iconic Monbulla property sold

An iconic small property less than five minutes west of Penola was sold at auction last week.

The 2.1 hectare property was once the home of the Monbulla tennis and cricket clubs, with the original tennis court still on the property.

The property was sold for $170,000 with a local being the successful purchaser.

Mark DeGaris from TDC Real Estate said the sale was well attended by both keen local and away purchasers as well as many of the Monbulla community who wanted to see what was happening.

“Two main bidders with other interested parties made for good and constant bidding,” he said.

It was also the site of the Monbulla school which was opened in 1894.

The school closed in 1944 and students were transferred to the Penola Area school.

The Monbulla hall was built as an addition to the site in the 1950s and became the primary meeting place of the Monbulla community.

The hall was also very well known for hosting many cabarets, the annual June ball, the Monbulla Christmas tree gathering, many birthday parties, bush dances, barbecues and community meetings.

Having sat idle for many years, the Monbulla community committee made the decision to sell the property, giving someone the unique opportunity to snap up a piece of history.

Monbulla community committee chair Peter Balnaves said it was unanimously decided at the meeting the money (after costs) from the sale would be donated to the Stand Like Stone Foundation.

The money will be used to establish dedicated funds so that community members, and students in particular, can apply to the fund for assistance in travel and accommodation costs when selected to play sport outside of the region.

Mr Balnaves said the committee felt that this would be a positive use of the money and would ensure those with financial struggles do not miss out on sporting opportunities.

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