Idol inspires city youth

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Idol inspires city youth

Local Transition to Work (TtW) provider Sureway Employment & Training Mount Gambier hosted a special guest recently in a participant only event.

Australian Idol contestant and performer Emerauld shared her journey and music with the organisation’s participants, all ranging from 14-25 years old.

Sureway Murray South East, Mount Gambier and Wimmera Mallee State Manager Mark Fullford said the service helped to assist youth into work and/or study.

“A lot of our clients have got differing backgrounds, differing issues, things that are driving them, things that are not driving them, so we’re just here to try and help steer them in the right direction,” he


“Emerauld is a Year 12 student who has been on Idol and forging her way and now heading off into the music world next year when she finishes school.

“We’re just here to encourage the young ones that you can dream, and you can achieve those dreams and Emerauld is here to give her side of the story.

“It’s just assisting the young ones and I think for us we have found it difficult to engage with the young ones to be honest and trying to find the right format.

“It’s good to have an engaging person I think who is of that similar age group that’s going to help.”

Emerauld said she wanted to encourage other young people to pursue their dreams within the music industry.

“I was invited down by Mark and I do a lot of this stuff a lot of the time,” she said.

“I really enjoy doing these things and I just really enjoy teaching music and showing other people the opportunities that you can get while going down the music industry path.

“All I really want to get out of this is to show people you can just put yourself out there and you can start making a name for yourself within the industry.

“I go to school over an hour away from my house so I have got very little time but I have still managed to get music into my life, so I want to show that it’s not completely impossible, even when you are in school.”

Sureway’s TtW program helps people aged 14-24 build their skills, confidence, and readiness for work by supporting them to achieve their goals.

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