Informal pub chat breaks ice over men’s wellbeing

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Informal pub chat breaks ice over men’s wellbeing

There was a capacity gathering of 40 when a prostate cancer awareness night was staged at a Millicent hotel last week.

Dubbed the “Pint, Parmi and Prostate” information evening, it was hosted at the Somerset Hotel by the Millicent and Surrounds Health Support Group.

Men and their partners were encouraged to have an informal chat with two guest speakers over a beer and a meal.

Laurie Dacy spoke about his journey with cancer while other medical information was provided by Tracy Bryant who is prostate cancer specialist nurse with the Limestone Coast Local Health network.

Among the locals who said he benefitted from attending the “Pint, Parmi and Prostate” information evening was factory worker Donald Renehan.

“Men do not usually want to talk about such things but prostate cancer can be a hidden killer,” Mr Renehan said.

“It seems that many workplaces are very good at promoting wellbeing among men but less focussed on internal matters like the prevalence of prostate cancer.”

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