International star brings tour to city

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International star brings tour to city

American-Australian singer-songwriter Toni Childs will bring her “Restrospective” tour to the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre this Saturday.

Ms Childs will perform a two-hour concert, playing her fan-favourites in the first hour and new music in the second hour.

“For me as a singer and as a human being, I love loving people up and my music does that to people,” Ms Childs said.

“So that experience, that feeling, people just soaking it up is like the best feeling on the planet.”

Ms Childs is a three-time Grammy nominated artist and Emmy Award winner along with having three platinum albums and six Top 40 hit singles in New Zealand.

“I had my first album ‘Union’ come out at the end of 1988,” Ms Childs said.

“It was a huge international success, nominated for two Grammy’s, and it just kind of burst onto the world, it was fantastic.”

Her music career came to a halt when she was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease in 1997 due to mercury poisoning, resulting in 19 years between albums.

After a push from American playwright, performer, activist and author Eve Ensler, she began making music and touring again and has two albums rolling out.

“Writing music has been a way of me processing pain and joy and wanting to move beyond the pain and steering how I’m going to survive or how I am going to reach and look at it,” Ms Childs said.

“How I want to mould it so it serves me, and I think that’s what’s connected with so many people is that it becomes a go-to to help them right themselves too.”

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