Landmark lights out after 50 years

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Landmark lights out after 50 years

An essential navigation light for Guichen Bay at Robe is set to be removed after 50 years and its replacement is recommended to be erected nearby.

According to a staff report submitted to the Robe District Council, the existing beacon is critical for safe navigation into Robe.

“It is essentially provided as a lead light for vessels going to Robe, guiding them across the line of reefs and rocks,” noted the staff 

“The Department for Infrastructure and Transport is looking at upgrading its navigation beacon located at the council-owned Sea Vu Caravan Park.

“The beacon was installed by the former Department of Marine and Harbors approximately 50 years ago.

“It is located on Robe District Council land, with the land being leased to Sea Vu Caravan Park.”

The State Government agency and the caravan park owners want the replacement beacon to be shifted as its current location affects car parking and vehicle manoeuvring and is difficult to access for 

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