Liberal Party tour ‘all ears’

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Liberal Party tour ‘all ears’

The Liberal Party “Listening Tour” of the MacKillop electorate headed by former Federal MP Nicolle Flint enters its second week today.

An open forum involving party members and the general public was held last night at the Grand Hotel in Millicent.

Today’s itinerary includes visits to businesses along the coast and then a further night-time community meeting at the Robe Bowling Club.

The tour has attracted hundreds of interested participants with forums also staged at the Naracoorte Town Hall and the Lake Albert Golf Club.

Among those to air their opinions in one-on-one sessions have been farmers, medical professionals, local government personnel and business owners and operators.

Supporting Ms Flint have been a number of serving Liberal MPs including Ben Hood MLC and Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin.

Ms Flint is currently working on the family farm at Kingston and spent Saturday mustering sheep for drenching purposes.

She is maintaining a high public profile through appearances on Sky News and chairing the Liberal Party’s Rural and Regional Council.

Liberal Party insiders anticipate she will be the party’s candidate in MacKillop in the 2026 poll and attempt to unseat Liberal-turned-Independent Nick McBride.

State Liberal MPs head to Kangaroo Island later in the week for their annual strategy meeting.

Both the State and Federal parliaments have their first sittings a week from today on February 6.

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