Light shines on mental health

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Light shines on mental health

Avital mental health message will be delivered in Millicent on Sunday night thanks to SA Water and the Wattle Range Suicide Prevention Network.

At 6pm members of the community are invited to watch the concrete water tower turn blue with special lighting for a few hours.

The Suicide Prevention Network suggests viewers bring a chair or a rug and experience something quite unique.

A coffee van will be onsite at the water tower event with some food also available for sale.

Sunday’s event follows a similar activity mounted in 2022 and 2023 at a wind turbine at the Lake Bonney windfarm.

Earlier in the day at 10am, the Suicide Prevention Network members will be working alongside the Millicent Hospital staff, families and friends to paint the tree stump at the front of the hospital blue for awareness around mental health.

Members of the Millicent Health Advisory Council and the Millicent and Surrounds Health Support Group will also be taking part.

It has been a busy start to 2024 for the Suicide Prevention Network.

It hosted a workshop in Millicent entitled “What do I Say? What do I Do?”

It was provided by StandBy Support After Suicide and facilitated by Tracey Wanganeen.

Members of the network were also grateful for a visit from the Premier’s Advocate for Suicide Prevention Nadia Clansy as well as Merindah Ward from Wellbeing SA.

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