Lions service spans decades

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Lions service spans decades

Along serving Penola volunteer has been recognised for 50 years of involvement to a service club.

Penola Lions Club Secretary Mike Matuschka was presented with a medal for five decades of involvement with Lions 

The presentation was made by Zone chairperson Beryl Mahoney.

Mr Matuschka joined Lions in March 1974 at Lucindale when he was a charter member, serving as one of the first members of that club which was being started by the Naracoorte Lions Club.

He has also been a member of the Lions clubs in Port Lincoln, Burra and Crystal Brook.

Mr Matuschka has served as the Penola club’s president on three occasions, treasurer twice and zone chairman twice.

At the moment he is in his third term as secretary.

“Most people generally only do two to three years in a position, but this is my sixth year,” he said.

Mr Matuschka said he enjoyed meeting and working with like minded people who want to help their community, especially as there were so many worthy causes locally, nationally and internationally that need help.

“Unfortunately we cannot assist them all, but by working together we can make a difference,” he said.

“I would encourage younger members of the community to join a Lions club.

“It’s not all work and we are not all ‘old fogies’.”

Mr Matuschka said a key message was that you only put in what time you can afford.

“Your family, job and health come before Lions, and your contribution however small or large, can make a difference to someone’s life,” he said.

Mr Matuschka said there had been many highlights during his 50 years of involvement.

“I guess the major one is when I asked Anne-Marie Mason if she would like to come to the Lucindale club charter with me.

Four years later we were married,” he said.

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