Little Blue toilet issue gets messy

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Little Blue toilet issue gets messy

Swimming season is approaching and popular swimming hotspot the Little Blue Lake is still without public toilet facilities.

Stairs and a floating pontoon have been built by the water’s edge to improve public safety and access, but there are no public toilets available.

A concerned local resident and tourism operator brought the matter to the attention of Grant District Council in April.

Kilsby Sinkhole owner and manager Graham Kilsby called for action that council investigate making toilet facilities available at the site.

The matter was raised again at council’s September monthly meeting.

As a matter of urgency on the urge to go to relieve one’s self, council has resolved to write directly to DEW to request the “urgent establishment of toilet facilities”.

Cr Kathryn Greene expressed the need for immediate action that council to move forward with having facilities installed before the upcoming summer.

However, Mayor Kylie Boston indicated that this would be unlikely.

“I think it’s fair to say there will not be anything this summer. These things do not happen overnight unfortunately,” she said.

“Start the conversation and keep advocating is what we have to do.”

Chief executive Darryl Whicker revealed a land ownership dispute had been the cause of delay in advocating the matter sooner.

“It was delayed while the land ownership was disputed,” he said.

“The complexities with the ownership are we can only advocate – unless council wants to try to advocate to take over ownership.”

Mayor Boston said the Little Blue Lake is under the care and control of council, however most of the car park area is Crown land under the care and control of the Department for Environment and Water (DEW).

“Any toilet block at the site would need to be situated on the land controlled by DEW to ensure that waste disposal requirements are assessed as part of a development application,” she said.

“Consideration will also need to be given to the cost of the infrastructure as there is quite a high continuing cost of maintaining these facilities.”

An elected member briefing was held in June to discuss the issues raised by Mr Kilsby regarding the Little Blue and other sinkholes, including road access and toilets

An update on the Little Blue Lake was provided by Environmental Services director Leith McEvoy at council’s September meeting.

“Council has an ongoing working relationship with DEW in relation to the Little Blue Lake,” he said.

“Council is responsible for the lake and its immediate surrounds, and DEW being responsible for the car parking area.

“There are a number of challenges associated with constructing a public toilet facility at the Little Blue Lake, which were outlined and discussed at the council briefing.

“Mr Kilsby has continued to have contact with council concerning progress in relation to this matter.”

Mr McEvoy recommended council progress the matter further by advocating and collaborating with DEW in relation to progressing a proposal for appropriate public toilet facilities at the Little Blue Lake.

Cr Greene moved the recommendation which received the full support of elected members present at the meeting.

Not in attendance to cast their vote were due to being apologies from the meeting were Crs Bruce Bain and Gavin Clarke.

Council will also write directly to DEW to request the urgent establishment of toilet facilities

Council will also request advocacy Minister for Primary Industries, Regional Development and Forest Industries Clare Scriven, Climate, Minister for Environment and Water Susan Close, Liberal MLC Ben Hood and Member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell.

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