Locals serving locals at chemist

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Locals serving locals at chemist

Mount Gambier’s UFS Chemist has recently undergone a change of management with locals Amelia Hancock and Prue Linnell now running the store.

The new leadership team has nearly a decade of combined experience at the business and hope to bring a fresh approach.

UFS Chemist is non-for profit, so any profit goes back into the pharmacy or the community in terms of scholarships and sponsorships etc.

All of the pharmacists are Mount Gambier locals, allowing each customer to have the same pharmacist each time and helping to build long term relationships.

The new managers believe this allows staff to have a greater understanding of customer’s medical history and their circumstances, so they are able to effectively assist in their use of medications and health concerns.

They offer Webster-paks, COVID-19 and flu vaccinations, blood pressure checks, medication history checks, free delivery, and compression stockings through their in-store nurse, which no other pharmacy provides.

Miss Hancock said they were excited for the challenge of managing pharmacy.

“It helps that we already know all the staff, and everyone gets along,” she said.

“We are very familiar with all of the current customers which makes the transition into this role easier.

“Both of us have experience in Adelaide which is good because we have gained knowledge and been exposed to different things which helps us to grow the pharmacy.

“A good thing about having joint management is we both have different perspectives and ideas to bring to the table.

“We are very fortunate to be a part of a new chapter in a business that has been serving the community for 106 years.”

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