Lovebirds back home

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Lovebirds back home

The Friends of Shorebirds SE has welcomed the return of a Hooded Plover pair to Nene Valley.

Group secretary Maureen Christie said it was a positive sign for the area.

“Earlier in the year their first nest was destroyed and the pair were scared off by excessive public activity around the nest site,” she said.

“Like in the children’s book the Best Nest by P.D. Eastman, Mr and Mrs Bird looked around for alternative nesting sites but none of them compared to their good old best nest location.

“So they returned to try again.”

Ms Christie said the group had collected data which showed this pair of Hooded Plovers nested in the Nene Valley area last year.

“We have set up temporary fences and regularly monitor the site for signs of what damages the nests,” she said.

“The data tells us the first nest was most likely destroyed by unleashed dogs.

“We ask people to help Mr and Mrs Bird maintain a safe nesting site for their chicks by keeping dogs on a leash and vehicles off the nesting sites.

“The nests are generally above the low tide mark in front of the first dune but, once the chicks hatch they can be anywhere on the beach.”

Visit for more information on nesting shorebirds.

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