MGNA Round 2 wrap up

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MGNA Round 2 wrap up

Around the courts with Danni

How well do you know the rules of netball? Well, in 2024 we have had some updates, and thankfully a pre-season clinic to talk us through the changes.

There’s nothing like spending an evening with the pocket book of netball rules to make you question everything you thought you knew about a sport you have played for 30 years.

In my defence, netball, like most sports, is incredibly nuanced.

You can be on the line but not over the line, you can take a step with the ball – but do not step with the ball.

And always, ALWAYS be “here if you need”.

It’s a lot to take in.

The changes come off the back of a 12 month review of the game by the WN Rules Advisory Panel.

These changes focus specifically on player safety and game management along with clarification and streamlining of existing rules such as contact and advantage.

We have said goodbye to the toss up (yes, that was actually still a thing), farewell to all players being back on court when taking a throw-in, and au revoir to the old interpretation of a replayed ball.

In their place we welcome tactical changes (complete with a fancy new hand signal), centre pass checks, and a rejig of the short pass and blood rules.

The blood rule was particularly interesting to me as one time I was denied entry onto the court because of a sizable streak of blood smeared across the front of my dress.

Turns out however it was not blood.

It was a glob of tomato sauce leftover from my sneaky pre-game potato cake from the canteen.

Readers I promise, I’m much more careful with my condiments these days.

If you too would like to take a look at the new rules of World Netball, they are available to download via or on the MGNA website.


A Grade – Another tough game against Intruders. The Zodiacs girls came out strong with a very even first quarter. Unfortunately Izzy went down hard a few minutes before the end of the first quarter. This forced the game to be moved to an outside court to resume. This did rattle the Zodiacs girls but they fought hard, contesting every ball and had some great passages of play. The final score didn’t indicate the intensity of the on court play.

B1 – Quick start with accurate shooting in the first half by Zodiacs set up a good lead. Vicis closed the gap in the third quarter with an attack change and great shooting. Ultimately, Zodiacs’ connections and ball movement gave us a solid win in the end.

B2 – The girls had a great start with a 7 goal advantage at quarter time. Everyone played with heart but Intruders were just a little stronger getting ahead to take the win.

U17 – bye

U15 – Second game in and the girls are starting to gel well. Started strong, changed position at half time and still played like they have been playing together for years. Attacking and defending was again amazing.

U13A – Taking to the court against Hobitz the girls stepped onto the court and showcased their teamwork and passing strength from the first whistle. Incredibly tight defence and strength in our attacking movement had us able to hold Hobitz at bay taking the win 29-1.

U13B – Second week of competition netball and this side delivered some great passages of play and showcased their versatility as a team. The girls all gave their best and worked well as a team. We can’t wait to watch this season go from strength to strength as the season progresses.

U11A – Zodiacs U11A team had a great start to the season, working really well together as a team, with some excellent defensive work and great shooting. We look forward to continuing to develop our skills as the season goes on.

U11B Gold – It was great to see the girls trying their hardest and learning the basics of netball. Everyone gave 100%, tried their best and showed some real potential.

U11B Blue – Zodiacs Blue had a great start to the season with a good win 7-1. The girls played well as a team, with some fluent passages of play. Some great shooting and rebounding helped in attack.


A Grade – Intruders A grade played a well-controlled game against a determined Zodiacs team. The team showed strength in some great interceptions, backing each other as they moved the ball down the court. This resulted in a compelling win to Intruders with final score 85-34.

A2 – A2 played very well throughout the whole court with solid efforts from all players. Goalies Emalee Stokker and Karen Lock combined well to create opportunities, enabling the ready conversion of turnovers won by the defensive unit. Persistence through all four quarters saw the lead increase at each break, resulting in a convincing 22 goal win at the final whistle.

B1 Orange – Intruders Orange came out strong against Hobitz, gelling together as a team and producing some clean passages of play. The defence combined well to produce many turnovers, while mid court players ran hard all game to move the ball through the centre court. Shooters made great space in the circle, shooting and rebounding well to secure a strong win of 50-12.

B1 Black – Coming up against Saints Black was always going to be a hard fought game. Our defence battled all day against well-polished shooters. The midcourters played a fast paced physical game, feeding into the goalies who worked well together to keep Intruders in the game. Unfortunately we fell short by 7 goals in a great game of netball.

B2 – Celebrating Holly Mashford’s 50th games for the club, Intruders B2 had an extremely tough opponent on Saturday coming up against a strong and well-coached Zodiacs. Both sides made a rocky start with turnovers either way and Zodiacs led 13 to 7 at quarter time. Intruders turned it on in the second quarter, feeding accurately to the shooter while the defence held up against a strong Zodiacs attack which saw Intruders lead at half time by 3 goals. Intruders brought on fresh legs into the WD position and a competitive quarter saw Zodiacs take the lead again. The Intruders players fought with determination to secure victory, defeating Zodiacs 44 to 39.

17U – Still finding their feet as a new team, the Intruders 17 and under side worked hard until the final whistle. While Hobitz Blue led convincingly throughout the game, Intruders took the opportunity to have fun and trial players in some different positions, building capacity and developing skills as the season progresses.

15U – Intruders U15 had a tough battle against a slick Saints side and struggled to break through their solid defence in the mid court. A few position changes helped to create space, and Intruders will be training hard to find a different result next time these teams meet.

13A – The game against Saints was a special one for three Intruders players with S Martin, M Martin and C Lock each celebrating a milestone of 50 club games. Intruders were fortunate enough to come away with a win, with the final score 36 to 20. The first half was nearly goal for goal and Intruders pulled away in the second half to gain their 16 goal lead. Best players were M Martin and N Goldsmith.

13B – Bye

11A – This week was the U11A’s first game for the season and all players worked really hard from the defensive end straight through to the attacking end to secure the win. The coaches were incredibly proud of their sporting behaviour and eagerness to work as a team and include everybody.

11B – This was 11B’s first game of the season and first game ever for some. Intruders played a ripper game and gave it their all to finish with a 2-all tie with Hobitz.


A Grade – Amazons 18 def by Hobitz 83 – On Saturday, Amazons A grade side faced Hobitz, with both sides missing key players. The players worked tirelessly all game against a strong opposition and displayed a very clean controlled game of netball.

Cherie and Bailey lined up in the goal circle for the first time this season. They led hard to the ball and tried to create space for each other. Casey, Amanda, Stacie, and Jayme kept up the intensity all game matching it with their opponents. Lucy, Tammy, and Sarah held their ground in defence, ensuring they contested every pass and rebound.

Despite the loss, valuable lessons were learnt and glimpses of excellence displayed. Best player vouchers went to Jayme and Stacie (Collins Court Butchers).

A2 Grade – Amazons 39 def by Hobitz Blue 47 – ound 2 saw Amazons A2 meet Hobitz Blue. The team took a while to settle into the match, seeing us 5 goals down at quarter time. Amazons fought back to within 1 goal at three quarter time but unfortunately couldn’t take the win.

Our mid-court players Tammi, Casey and EJ provided strong drives down the court and applied relentless pressure.

Rachel and Eyk, in defence, took numerous intercepts and strong rebounds. Communicating well and forcing Hobitz to pass backwards waiting for a clear option.

In our attacking third Chelsea, Sarah and Alisha rotated positions throughout the game. They adjusted to new combinations and worked hard to convert but Hobitz’s ability to get hands to ball caused many turnovers.

It was a tightly contested game that will be one to watch when the teams meet again.

B1 Grade – Amazons 19 def by Saints Red 42 – Our Round 2 B1 game started off a little slow, trying out some new combinations and positions.

We showed some great defensive pressure all over the court, managing many touches and turnovers as the game progressed. Unfortunately, the Saints girls had their hands across everything and we weren’t as successful converting the turnovers. Our mid court and goalies worked tirelessly to get the ball into our ring where we were met with some tall and strong defenders, making it difficult for our shooters to score.

We’ve shown a lot of improvement as a team and look forward to developing more as the weeks go by. Best player vouchers went to Cara Day and Amber Frencham.

B2 Grade – Amazons 31 def Vicis 12

U15 – Amazons 49 def Vicis 2 – Round 2 brought with it a chance for the 15U Amazons team to implement the skills and plays discussed at training. The girls put in a full four quarter effort, never letting their opponents into the game.

The first half saw Cieerah and Maya combining in the goal circle. They created space for each other and looked for opportunities to work the ball in for a closer shot. Libby, Ava and Skye worked hard through the mid-court keeping the pressure on and moving the ball swiftly through the middle of the court. Laurena and Scarlett teamed up in defence and shut down their opponents. They took multiple intercepts and provided support when moving into attack.

At half time, Olivia and Claire came onto the court and made their presence felt straight away. Olivia kept offering down the court consistently providing a strong option. Claire continued the tight defence and kept her eyes up, looking for opportunities to pick off the pass.

The girls kept up the pressure all game and came away with a good win. Best player vouchers went to Cieerah (Tide Expresso Bar) and Claire (The Ary).

U13B – Amazons 25 def Vicis 1 – Round 2 saw Amazons take on Vicis in the under 13B team. Amazon’s outstanding teamwork saw the girls take the win 25 to 1.

Chloe in GS and Nina in GA excelled in the goals whilst Harper and Caitlin worked their magic in defence.

Best player vouchers went to Jenny and Harper.

U11A – Amazons 1 def by Zodiacs 3

U11B – Amazons Black 12 def Amazons Pink 1 – The first round of the 11U competition saw Amazons Black and Amazons Pink line up against each other.

For Amazons Pink, Kenzie was strong at centre for the first half, helping carry the ball down the court. Hadley and Addie played a great defence game especially in the second quarter keeping the other team to just 1 goal. Avangelena played a great first half in attack scoring our only goal for the night.

Addie was everywhere in the second half intercepting the ball and helping carry down the court. Phoenix and Amelia also did really well against a tough attack from Amazons Black. Macie, Jordyn and Odelle were great in supporting their team and being options bringing the ball down the court.

Amazons Black moved the ball carefully down the court into their attack end, spreading out and creating space for each other. In defence, they were tight on their player and grabbed some great intercepts and rebounds.

The game provided some tough match-ups and the girls will all continue to improve each week.

Best players for Amazons Pink were Phoenix (Donut King) and Hadley (Newspower). Best player for Amazons Black was Alexis (Natural Born Grillers).


A Grade – Vicis v Saints – Vicis took the court with a new line up against Saints this week. They started off strong and matched skills up and down the court with both teams scoring regularly up to half time 13-17. After the long break Vicis were forced to make team changes which saw them struggle to be consistent. Vicis’ defence had been strong all day keeping close check on their opponents, but Saints used this opportunity and overturned many passes to outscore Vicis 15-6, enabling Saints to pull away and increase their lead. Vicis rallied in the last quarter and finished strongly however Saints came away with the win 24-38.

A2 – Vicis again took the court with a new line up against Saints who were very strong from the first whistle getting their own centre and overturning Vicis. Vicis tried hard to get it to their shooters but due to tight defence from Saints, Vicis struggled to convert. Saints went on to dominate the first half with Vicis only managing to shoot 2 goals and Saints adding 40 to their total. Vicis made some much-needed changes which saw their score improve a little more consistently, but Saints continued to apply pressure and overturn the ball at every opportunity seeing them control the next two quarters with the final score 12-68.

B2 – Vicis 12 v Amazons 31 – Another good effort by the girls even though the score wasn’t in our favour. We are still gelling well as a team with a number of changes throughout the game. Well done to Hayley Summers on her first game. Keep up the good work ladies. Best players were Jade Brennan and Helen Timms.


A Grade – Great game ladies! It’s inspiring to know that we show we are willing to put in hard yards to succeed and grow. We have teamwork in our mindset and each game together will allow that. A few minor things to consider and tidy up on and simple errors which we can fix. Well done on playing different combinations with ease and adjusting when required. Best players were Felicity Kelly and Chelsea Hara.

A2 Red – Despite a loss, we are proud of our team’s effort. We played a tough Intruders team who played a great game of netball. We made some errors and had trouble bringing the ball down in patches throughout the game, but we will look to work on that during training. Our defence worked tirelessly to try and turnover the ball against the Intruders goalies. Our goalies worked hard, combing well, and making the most of their chances. Our midcourt worked hard to feed our goalies. Zoe played a fantastic game in WA, an unfamiliar position for her. We are proud of our team for sticking together and trying their best until the final whistle. A big thank you to Kellie and Ella for filling in, it’s very much appreciated. Thank you to Zahli for coming out to support us when unable to play, we love your team spirit. Best players were Jasmine Disselbach and Nevae Brooksby.

A2 Blue – You truly deserved this win girls. It shows that by committing to a game with confidence and dedication that your style of game is one that suits you most. Some great passages of netball throughout each quarter and putting in a four solid quarter game. We are proud of you for getting a win on the board girls. Best players were Sierra Young and Matilda Moors.

B1 – Intruders Orange brought a tough game this week. Despite the loss, the team showed numerous strengths and should be proud of their efforts! We had some great intercepts, turnovers, and goals. Our young team is really starting to develop their confidence. Best players were Makaylah Sanders and Miely-Rose Winterfield.

B2 – Regardless of the strong competition of our opposing team Saints and having two of our players away the girls put in a fantastic effort. We kept our heads up and kept on trying to the very end with some very positive leads and turnovers all game. Every single player displayed personal wins on both ends of the court and as a coach it was enjoyable to watch everyone come out of their shells so amazingly. Best players were Ayla Greene and Amy Wilson.

U17 Red – The girls had a great game overall. There were great passages of play presented in defence and attack during all quarters. However, the defence in particular, was a great testament to our specific trainings. The girls had a marginally low loss, however, with more time and skills developed they will likely come on top. Best players were Nevae Brooksby and Megan Wells. Fasta Pasta voucher awarded to Megan Wells.

U17 Blue – The girls knew they where walking into a physical game this week. They managed to stay calm and composed around the court and create clean, sensible plays down the court. They had each other’s backs the whole time and were hungry for the ball. Best players were Addison Dowdy and Felicity Kelly. Vouchers awarded to Addison Dowdy and Miely Winterfield.

U15 – This week we faced a tough opposition in Zodiacs. The girls had a great game, had a lot of turnovers and a lot of fight in them. Throughout the game the team found it a bit tough to reward the defenders’ efforts, but they improved as the game went on. The girls had great team spirit this week and worked well together. Best players were Chelsea McElroy and Esha Brooksby. Donut King voucher awarded to Jessica Oxlade.

U13A – Although we were against some tough opposition, the team played some great netball throughout this game. Defensively, we were particularly strong throughout this game and as a result were able to turnover the ball on several occasions. Outstanding work rate from all the girls as they continued to fight until the end. Best players were Bailee Clapson and Alanna Lorigan. Donut King voucher awarded to Paige Mutton.

U13B – This week brought great competition against Zodiacs with everyone learning and giving new things a go. The girls played an amazing game and were able to take feedback and apply it to their game straight away. There was some excellent defence which was finished strong by the attacking end. Best players were Stella Marcus and Payton Wingard. Fasta Pasta vouchers awarded to Evie McEachern and Payton Wingard.

U11A – No report supplied.

U11B – The team played a good first game, considering a lot of them have never played before, and most were very scared and nervous to play. We need to work on some things, but they played well for a team who have never played before, and we are so excited to see where they go in the future and this season.


A Grade: Saints 38 defeated Vicis 24. Saints had a slow start in a physical and low scoring game against Vicis. After making some tactical changes, the team was able to grind it out and come away with a 14 goal win. Best Players: Sarah Lawler and Nicole Burner. Incentive Award: Aynslee Hayman.

A2: Saints started strongly in the first quarter and continued to build throughout the game taking the win 68-12. Best Players: Jess Heinrich and Karli Earle. Incentive Awards: Mikayla Healy and Jess Heinrich.

B1 Black: Saints 39 defeated Intruders 32. In a tight contest all game, the girls stood up to the strong defensive pressure of the Intruders girls. With the Saints defence and mid court working hard for every turnover, the attacking end did their best to convert. Best Players: Sam Primmer and Isabelle Forrest. Incentive Awards: Sam Primmer and Maddie Smith.

B1 Red: Saints 42 were excited to get their first win on the board this week against Amazons 19. Starting off with a bang the girls continued to push to the end and were rewarded this week for all their hard work. Best Players: Amber Hinton and Hannah O’Sullivan. Incentive Awards: Jorja Douglas and Allysa Smith

B2: Saints 39 defeated Hobitz 15 with another great performance form the girls this week. They managed to settle the game down and get it back on their terms when play became frantic. There were a lot of great moments during the game and everyone should be very proud of their performances. Best Players: Caitlyn Palmer and Rachel Mitchell. Incentive Award: Kathleen Batty.

Saints were able to celebrate Kathleen ‘Kat’ Batty on her 50th milestone game for the club on Saturday. Kat started with Saints in 2021 playing in the Premiership B2 side coached by Casey Hosking. In 2022 and 2023 Kathleen played in the B2 side coached by Emma Chuck. This season Kat is playing in the B2 side coached by Meegan Midwinter.

U17: After a bye last week, the 17s came out strong. Their quick footwork and confidence on the court saw them get the win against Hobitz Red 37-34. Best players were Georgia Little and Izzy Forrest. Incentive Awards: Georgia Little and Jess Douglas

U15: Saints 49 had a convincing win against Intruders 14 with the girls working hard in defence to set up a good lead at half time. The attacking end converted well and the girls came away with the win from a full team effort. Best Players: Aynslee Hayman and Makayla Sneddon. Incentive Awards: Jemima Paltridge and Makayla Sneddon

U13A: Saints 20 were defeated by Intruders 36. Saints had a competitive first half with scores tied at half time. Saints worked hard, but with six players taking the court for the last quarter, Intruders ran away with the win. Best players: Charlotte Forrest and Ruby Pohlner. Incentive award: Ruby Pohlner.

U11B: Our 11B side was bursting at the seams with excitement to play their very first game of netball on Friday night. Under the guidance of first time coach Caelin Hayman, the girls were able to showcase all they had learned and continued to improve in skills and confidence as the quarters went on. Final score 7-1 with Zodiacs taking the win. Incentive Awards went to Evelyn Cram (our goal scorer) and Eloise Paltridge.

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