Mill investment probe

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Mill investment probe

Additional investment in the Kimberly-Clark Australia Millicent Mill is under consideration by senior management.

The possibility was recently canvassed in the city press by mill manager Adam Carpenter.

“We are looking at what investment we can make in the not-too-distant future to continue to build our capability to respond to consumer demand,” Mr Carpenter told The Advertiser.

He said the domestic ability to produce tissue for consumers does not meet the full Australian demand.

It is estimated that around 40% of the toilet paper, facial tissues and paper towels sold in Australia are imported from such countries as China and Indonesia.

Wages and raw materials are cheaper in those countries and the same high environmental and emission targets of Australia do not apply.

“It’s important, on our part, to continue to work hard with innovation in products and other things to be an ongoing viable operation,” Mr Carpenter aid.

But there are times when we also need that acknowledgment from government, and that government support, to ensure that we can remain a competitor to imports.

“It is a difficult one because not only does it need the support of governments, it also needs the support of consumers.

“Ultimately, we need people to buy Australian.

“Local manufacturing is still an important thing, and obviously that was proven right [with COVID] in 2020.”

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