Millicent coach to lead inaugural Limestone Coast Football interleague side

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Millicent coach to lead inaugural Limestone Coast Football interleague side

Millicent coach Tom Renzi will lead the Limestone Coast Football Netball League side in the new league’s first interleague hit out.

The league, which replaced the form Western Border Football League this season, will take on the Mid South East Football League at Blue Lake Sports Park in Mount Gambier on June 8.

Renzi is a well-respected player and coach and has previously coached back to back premierships at Mount Burr in 2016 and 2017.

Former South Gambier player Renzi joined Mount Burr as a player for the 2014 season, having played with Edwardstown in the Southern Football League for the previous three seasons while studying in Adelaide to become a primary school teacher.

In his early adult sporting career, Renzi would also play competitive soccer on weekends.

As well as the premiership medals, Renzi was also the leading MSEFL goal scorer in 2016 with 69 majors.

He was assistant coach of Millicent when the Saints won the premiership in 2021 and 2022 and co-coach last year when Millicent achieved a threepeat premiership.

This year Renzi was appointed Millicent Senior coach.

He has selected a squad of 44 players with training to be held at Blue Lake Sports Park tomorrow.

The squad includes:

Casterton Sandford: Callum Currie, Jarrod O’Brien, Alastair McCrae, Hamish McCrae, Diarmid Clearly, Adam McKinnon and Ed Pritchard;

East Gambier: Reece Lillecrapp, Shaun Lock, Nick Lock and Giancarlo Cooper;

Millicent: Jacob Carger, Sam Willis, Kade Bradley, Frazer Bradley, Harry Tunkin, Kalan Shanks, Finn Grimes, Kobe Gibson, Kade Varcoe and Zac McGuinness;

North Gambier: Nick McInerney, Sam Stafford, Jake Schutz, Brock Egan, Josh Jenner, Cameron Ortlepp, Jordan Hollitt, Aaron Dally and Toby de Wit;

South Gambier: Mitchell Harrold, Ethan Chuck, Mitchell Sims, Mason Hein, Brayden Kain and Emerson Marks;

West Gambier: Lawrence Bradley-Brown, Michael Minuzzo, Brandon Newton, Jesse Pfitzner, Lewis Lean, Daron McElroy, Kyle Giddings and Andrew Stone.

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