Mixed triples championship gets 2024 indoor bowls season rolling

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Mixed triples championship gets 2024 indoor bowls season rolling

The Mount Gambier District Indoor Bowls Association opened its 2024 season last week with a Mixed Triples Championship.

President Stephen Von Duve greeted all players taking part in the Miller Timber Joinery /Mount Gambier Isuzu Utes Mixed Triples Championship.

Before the official formalities took place Von Duve made a special presentation to Fiona Pearson, Keisha Pearson and Serena Bourn, presenting them with cheques from the association to assist them with their trip to New Zealand’s Pukekohe and wishing them all the best in the Australian team in the Trans Tasman Test.

Once the presentation was made he then invited the association’s patron Athol Malseed to roll the first jack and patroness Shirley Gifford to roll the first bowl to officially open the 2024 season.

The Mixed Triples Championship followed with 21 team entries, with the Post-Tel team of Lorraine Van Den Hoogen, Keisha Pearson and Craig Pearson defeating the Kongorong team of Frank McArdle, Kay Milton and Heather Glynn in the first semi final 6-5 and in the second semi final the Commercial Club team of Vince Oakley, Doreen Oakley and John Oakley took victory over a combined Saints and Post-Tel team of Nancy Horrigan, Veronica Opie and Stephen Von Duve 8-6.

The final had the Oakley team scoring shots on the first four ends to lead 6-0 but on the fifth end the Pearsons scored three shots and then two shots on the six end only to put them one shot behind.

On the last end the Oakley team kept their cool and scored one shot to give the Commercial Club team of Vince Oakley, Doreen Oakley and John Oakley victory and claim the first association championship for the year, 7-5.

In the consolation final it was the clash of almost two Glenburnie teams except for one Post-Tel player.

The consolation winners were the team of Allan Martin, Fiona Rochow and Perria Davis defeating the hard trying team of Jo Barr, Bob Barr and Simon Davis to beat them 6-3.

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