Motorkhana series rolls along at SEAC Park

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Motorkhana series rolls along at SEAC Park

SEAC Park saw action again on Sunday with the running of round 2 of the SEAC 2024 Motorkhana series.

Entries were a tad on the low side for seniors, but a good field of nine juniors made up the numbers for the day.

Kevin Raedel put the director’s hat on for this day and had some interesting courses to keep the entrants interested for the day.

“Bowler” is a very quick test and got the action under way, with Jason Sims being given the privilege of first car on each test, rose to the challenge with fastest runs for both attempts, from Damien Wilson chasing, a couple of tenths behind in the first run and 7 tenths on his second go.

Max Viitanen made 3rd in both, half a second behind Wilson, with Harrison Bliss a couple of seconds further back on the first run and Charlie Evans filling 4th on the second run, 5th on his first attempt.

Next test was “Star”, again a quick run, with Damien Wilson doing it well on this outing, Jason Sims 5/100ths behind in 2nd and Max Viitanen 3rd.

Jason Sims got it right on the second go, with Henry Sims 2nd, Wilson 3rd, Viitanen next in 4th spot.

Crazy Square was selected for the 3rd test and is again a short and sweet drive – if you get it right, that is. Sims Senior and Sims Junior, 1 and 2 and Wilson 3rd.

Second “go”, Harrison Bliss found a quick line and blitzed the field, Jason Sims 2nd and Henry Sims 3rd.

Running this layout for the 3rd time, Jason Sims and Henry Sims 1 and 2 and Wilson 3rd.

Change of course to a layout called “Plumb Crazy”, the Sims pair again 1 and 2, Jason being pushed hard by son, Henry in the shared Celica.

Run 2 of this layout, J Sims from H Sims 1 and 2, Viitanen equal 2nd to the hundredth with H Sims, Charlie Evans put a good run together and got 4th points.

Same Layout, run 3, Jason Sims again quickest for 1st spot from Charlie Evans 2nd and Max Viitanen 3rd.

Next test layout was “Hopkirk”, a test that can be enjoyed and can be quick.

Jason Sims did the test very well and headed the list, 4 seconds clear from Wilson 2nd and Evans 3rd.

Rerun of this test, J Sims repeated his 1st effort and topped the list again, from Wilson 2nd and Bliss 3rd.

Max Viitanen, being one of the up-and-coming Juniors that have been doing motorkhana for a season, does not get “practical” experience of reversing between a set of markers, but showed good car control to do this test the quickest, even with a penalty cone added to his time, being some 9 seconds quicker than Jason Sims in second spot. Scott Bradley also did well for 3rd.

Wilson, not having the best of runs on the first outing, made up for it on the second run, but only just in front of young Charlie Evans nipping at his heels in 2nd and J Sims 3rd.

Next test setup was “Forward & Reverse Slalom” and as the name suggests, reversing is again involved.

Again, another of the up and coming juniors did the best job, this time being Charlie Evans, heading Scott Bradley 2nd and Jason Sims 3rd.

Same test, second run, Scott Bradley topped the list by 3/100ths of a second from Charlie Evans 2nd, Wilson 3/10ths behind in 3rd.

Layout change and location change, Historic Straight Slalom but modified ever so slightly, was the last layout for the day.

Jason and Henry finished 1 and 2, from Wilson 3rd before Jason Sims made it two from two, holding off Wilson 2nd and Viitanen 3rd.

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