Movie marathons are back

Movie marathons are back

There was plenty of magic and wonder on the long weekend at the Oatmill Cinema as the complex hosted a Harry Potter Mega Movie Marathon.

The cinema was filled with magic as part of the eight-film campaign, which started with Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone and went through to the final chapter of the Deathly Hallows.

Cinema assistant manager Tracy Lalich said it was a fun weekend, with patrons dressing the part and, at a heavily discounted price, they all appreciated watching the films again on the big screen.

“We decided to have some fun and included on the menu for the weekend, the drink ‘Butter Beer’ which appeared in one of the Harry Potter films,” she said.

“The drink was such a huge hit that a few people have insisted we include it as a permanent drink.

“ScRoll Queen got in on the act to create a scroll just for the marathon and had great success with their ‘Magic Frog in a Scroll’, which they called the Scrolldemort.”

Mrs Lalich said the cinema hoped to host more marathons, but in the meantime was hoping to screen some classic movies.

“It’s been a difficult time only re-opening in the middle of August and we hope to have more new movies soon,” she said.

“It’s appreciated that our regulars are making the most of it returning each week and sometimes more than once a week.”’

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