Music festival ‘kicks up dust’

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Music festival ‘kicks up dust’

New music festival ‘Stone and Dust’ will bring a stacked line-up of Australian music to The Old Mount Gambier Gaol this November while raising funds for mental health.

Event organiser James Stephenson said he was excited about the line-up, which includes big-name Australian bands and artists Spiderbait, Drapht, Seth Sentry and Kingswood as well as a number of local support acts.

“It’s been a couple of years of hard work to get it off the ground but I’m really excited to bring something like this and the calibre of artists to our town,” Mr Stephenson said.

The festival will raise money for depression, anxiety and suicide and Mr Stephenson said it was important the money stayed local.

“It’s a huge fundraiser, it’s something that we’re very passionate about and close to our hearts, so that’s going to be a big thing,” Mr Stephenson said.

Mr Stephenson said they would continue to promote the fundraiser during the lead-up to the festival and they would also talk about it at the event.

“If one person that’s in a bit of a bad spot comes to a festival like this and it changes their attitude and outlook on life, that’s a big plus for us,” he said.

“The more positivity we can create for the community the better it is for the community and hopefully this one big party will help a little bit to go towards that.

“If it means someone is a bit down and can go to a show and hopefully see a positive energy they can create for themselves and see life is not that bad.”

“I think it’s just a great positive thing for everybody, with everything that’s happened over the last two years it’s a great way to release the shackles, get out and stir up the limestone dust and have a good old-fashioned day out.”

The event is presented by Arts and Entertainment South Australia and Mr Stephenson has worked with the local council and police to ensure the event is carried out in a safe and professional manner.

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