Music lovers test knowledge

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Music lovers test knowledge

Another major fundraiser to benefit the Millicent community radio station 5-THE-FM has been hailed a success with thousands of dollars raised at a sold-out function on Saturday night.

The station presented a Spicks and Specks themed Quiz Night at the Millicent War Memorial Civic and Arts Centre and it was based on the popular ABC quiz show of the same name.

General music knowledge was tested such as Beatle Ringo Starr narrating the Thomas the Tank Engine TV show.

Among the other tasks were listening to songs being played backwards, identifying five-second grabs from songs and gleaning clues from album covers.

There were 30 teams of 10 with “The Rolling Crones” being the narrow winner and collecting a swag of vouchers and other prizes.

5-THE-FM management committee chairman David Walshaw came on stage at night’s end to thank all who worked to ensure the success of the night.

“To our beloved community of Wattle Range, thank you for putting your confidence in us and supporting us once again at the sold-out “Spicks and Specks” quiz night,” Mr Walshaw said.

“What a fabulous night it was as well with 5 THE-FM presenter and quiz maestro, Jack Lane keeping us all enthralled and entertained for almost four hours.

“The cameo appearance of Mount Gambier singer Louise Adams was a planning master stroke and she sang beautifully.

“To all of the station’s volunteers who assisted on the night, thank you, you are all heroes. ‘

“Nothing beats stronger than the heart of a volunteer.

“To the sponsors and donors who provided outstanding prizes for the night, we salute and thank you as well.

“To the Wattle Range Council, thank you for allowing us to use the great community asset that is the Millicent War Memorial Civic and Arts Centre and it is an amazing venue.”

Mr Walshaw went on to announce two other fundraising social events for 5 THE-FM in the second half of 2024.

He said “Christmas in July” will be celebrated at the same venue on July 27.

For $60, patrons will be served a three-course meal and be entertained on stage by Jason Baker, Stamina and Low Expectations.

Rock the Rails featuring numerous live acts will be held in the Millicent railway station yard on December 7.

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