Palliative care discussions

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Palliative care discussions

Health administrators are concerned with aspects of the palliative care experience provided at the Mount Gambier Hospital.

The concerns were noted during a recent meeting of the Limestone Coast Local Health Network Board and arose from a monthly report provided by interim chief executive Angela Miller.

“There have been ongoing discussions with local partners regarding improvements required to the environments and experiences for consumers and their loved ones during end-of-life care,” stated the LCLHN board meeting minutes of the January 29 meeting.

The next item of business was a resolution which stated the LCLHN Board was committed to working with local partners to identify best practice when it comes to supporting end-of-life care in the hospital setting.

Furthermore, the LCLHN requested the leadership team develop a recommendation for improvements at the Mount Gambier Hospital site to ensure the environments utilised during this component of care were fit for purpose for consumers and their families.

The SA Health media unit has been contacted for comment.

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