Penola men get helping hand

Penola men get helping hand

The Penola Men’s Shed has received a funding boost thanks to a successful grant application.

Members were thrilled to learn of their success with a recent grant application.

Group president Ian Tregenza said the grant was made possible by funding from the Australian Government Department of Health under the National Shed Development Program.

Mr Tregenza said the funding of $9274 would ensure the completion of three projects.

“The first will enable roller doors to be fitted to the outdoor work area blocking cold southerly winter wind and providing privacy from the car park,” he said.

“The second will see a reverse cycle air conditioner installed in the new meeting room ensuring comfortable surroundings regardless of the season.

“The third purchased a 15inch planer thicknesser, a machine all members had been hoping for, it replaces their aged, well used machine.”

Mr Tregenza said members had been busy building tables and seats for Penola Primary School, which had been donated by Beach Energy, and for the local child -are centre, with timber donated by OneFortyOne.

“We have orders for a further eight,” he said.

“We thank Member for Barker Tony Pasin for encouraging us to apply for the grant.”

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