Picture perfect gallery revamp

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Picture perfect gallery revamp

The refreshed gallery space at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex provided an added incentive for an influx of visitors to spend time at the community hub over the recent holiday period.

The gallery reopened during December, in time for the Christmas and New Year holiday season, following a $70,000 investment from Grant District Council, increased display capacity for artists to showcase collections.

In her January monthly report, Growth and Tourism manager Rebecca Perkin said December saw an increase in gallery visitors, with many keen to see the new renovations for themselves.

“December saw an increase in gallery visitors with 609 visitors, compared to 452 in the month prior to renovations,” Ms Perkin said.

In total, the complex recorded a door count of more than 3000 for December.

Meanwhile, Ms Perkin said the complex also recorded an increase in the number of users of the in-person Youth Centre as well as the number of visitors from Adelaide.

“In-person Youth Centre access doubled (201) for the month of December, meanwhile the number of visitors from Adelaide Metropolitan area (110) was almost double the November figure, and overall tourist numbers were up (941), as were souvenir sales which reached $2000,” she said.

“International visitor numbers (22) were steady, with visitors from the UK and Europe, meanwhile Facebook reach (19,052) was slightly down on November’s figures.”

Ms Perkin said the school holiday program hosted at the complex was an exciting time for children.

The complex also held its annual Christmas story time with special guest Mrs Claus and introduced a community Christmas tree and Santa’s letterbox.

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