Plans lodged for dozens of new homes at Robe

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Plans lodged for dozens of new homes at Robe

Adeveloper has recently lodged plans for a 42 block housing estate near Long Beach at Robe.

The land in question is located between the Southern Ports Highway and Guichen Bay and a two-stage development is envisaged.

The company behind the proposal has extensive experience in such developments across regional South Australia including Beachport and Robe.

The application is now going through the approval process protocols.

Numerous other residential subdivisions have taken place at Robe in the past decade.

However, back in 2022, the Native Vegetation Council refused a proposed residential development to create 18 housing allotments in Robe.

According to the Department for Environment and Water, the development application by a local company was refused because of the proposed clearance of vegetation which is considered to have high native plant species diversity.

The State Government agency said 33 native plant species were recorded at the almost 1.6-hectare site and it also provides habitat for threatened native fauna.

The land in question is located to the east of the Robe Golf Course.

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