Purple Thunder full of cheer

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Purple Thunder full of cheer

Keeping in tune with the recent wild weather conditions, a Mount Gambier cheerleading group has ‘brought the thunder’ in Adelaide to secure an international championship title.

Mount Gambier’s Purple Thunder Cheerleaders shined on the big stage, wowing judges and crowds to claim the Aussie Gold Cheer and Dance International Championships in the South Australian capital city, which attracted more than 2000 competitors.

More than 30 Purple Thunder Cheerleaders attended the event to compete against teams fro across the nation including New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia and Victoria as well as international entries from Japan.

There were eight ‘world level’ teams competing to win a paid excursion to travel to the world championships in the United States of America, with the event scheduled for March 2023.

The Mount Gambier troupe’s Hurricane team performed well to claim second place in a seven-team competition, with the second Storm outfit securing fifth place.

Mount Gambier Purple Thunder Cheerleaders head coaches Josie and Suzanne Flanagan said the international championship was s tough competition, however the city teams produced outstanding performances across the event.

“As coaches we are so proud of all our athletes’ performance,” they said.

“This was an amazing opportunity for our athletes and parents to watch.”

Purple Thunder cheerleaders range in age from five to 18, with some athletes having been with the team for up to five years.

“To get involved with cheerleading our athletes start in our recreational tumble classes to learn their foundation tumbling skills which can lead into joining our competition teams,” said.

Purple Thunder’s competition athletes have now turned their training focus to this year’s final competition in Adelaide which is scheduled to take place on November 12.

Around 50 cheerleaders are expected to compete before the club starts its 2023 competition placement days in December.

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