Repeat car thief jailed

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Repeat car thief jailed

AVictorian man was found guilty of stealing a car, driving without a licence and defacing the vehicle’s number plates in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court last week.

Jason Scott Seefuss, 51, of no fixed address, appeared in front of Adelaide Magistrate John Wells via audio visual link from custody represented by lawyer Tess Dunsford.

The court heard that police pulled over Mr Seefuss on July 20 on Mount Gambier Road, Millicent and arrested him following further checks which revealed the vehicle was stolen, he was unlicensed and the vehicle’s plates had been altered.

“They (Mr Seefus) were taken to the Mount Gambier Police Complex,” Mount Gambier Police Prosecutor Pero Kolundzic said.

“During the interview the defendant stated that … he had never held a driver’s licence in any state or territory of Australia and the defendant further stated he had a warrant in Victoria and needed a break from there.”

The keys were left in the car by the vehicle’s owner which was stolen from his property in Victoria on July 18.

While Mr Seefuss has no prior criminal in South Australia, it was found he had been convicted of stealing cars in Victoria in 2023, 2010,2009, four times in 2006, five times in 2004 and once in Queensland in 2020.

“This is a serious offence and it is repetitive nature,” Mr Kolundzic said.

“The defendant has put the community at risk by his offending by invading their privacy and taking their private property.

“He has done this not just in this state but other states and although he does have some mental health issues, there are a lot of people who live with mental health issues who do not commit crime against others and take their property.”

“You have a significant history of stealing cars in Victoria,” Magistrate Wells said in sentencing.

“General and personal deterrence play an important role in my sentence.”

The defendant was convicted of all three offences, sentenced to two months and 12 days in prison and issued a 12 month licence disqualification to commence following his release from custody.

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