Tag: magistrate

Man convicted for ‘despicable’ theft

A41-year-old Mount Gambier man was convicted of aggravated theft in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court last week by Magistrate Koula Kossiavelos.
The court heard the...

‘Good night’ catches driver out

ALimestone Coast man has been fined nearly $3000 after being convicted of drink driving and two separate offences of drug driving in Mount Gambier...

Extensive charge list adjourned

Mount Gambier man Tyson James Ratcliffe faced the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court last week accused of 12 offences.
The offences included theft, driving a motor...

Drug dangers raised

AMount Gambier Magistrate has warned against the dangers of methamphetamine in the Limestone Coast community.
“It is an evil drug and it’s going to ruin...

Repeat offender steered back to court over host of driving offences

A32-year-old Mount Gambier woman has been convicted for her tenth offence of driving whilst disqualified or suspended.
Jacqueline Alicia Tickner appeared in the Mount Gambier...

Mount Gambier man ordered to serve good behaviour bond following cannabis cultivation

AMount Gambier man has plead guilty to cultivating up to the prescribed number of cannabis plants.
The defendant faced the Mount Gambier Magistrates court unrepresented...

Tough time leads to city courtroom

AMount Gambier Magistrate expressed her concerns last week of the difficulty faced by the less vulnerable amid the rising cost of living.
The comments were...

Woman faces Mount Gambier magistrate over ‘serious’ offending allegations

AMount Gambier woman was found sleeping in a car she had stolen, a court has heard.
Lucy Koch-Little appeared in custody via audio link in...

Disqualified drivers continue to flout law

Anumber of people faced the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court in front of Magistrate Koula Kossiavelos last week accused of driving whilst disqualified or suspended.

Tarpeena drink driver loses licence

ATarpeena man has pleaded guilty to drink driving after recording a blood alcohol concentration more than four times the legal limit.
Brian Philby appeared in...

Motorists face court over alleged driving offences

Anumber of defendants faced Magistrate Koula Kossiavelos at the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court last week accused of driving offences.
Eckermann Lawyers senior solicitor Herman Augustinus...

Multiple accused assaulters front court

Anumber of defendants faced Magistrate Koula Kossiavelos at the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court last week accused of assault offences.
Jamie Desmond Pitson and Jett Pitson...

Accused firearms offenders face magistrate

Anumber of defendants faced Magistrate Koula Kossiavelos at the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court last week accused of firearms offences.
Jamie Keith Bennier was accused of...

‘Knife warning’

AMount Gambier Magistrate has warned there will be increased vigilance around the possession of knives in the community after recent tragedies in Sydney.
Six people...

Accused thieves to face magistrate

Two people have been charged following an investigation into a break in at Naracoorte last month. Sometime between August 17-30 a shed on Carters Road...