Multiple accused assaulters front court

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Multiple accused assaulters front court

Anumber of defendants faced Magistrate Koula Kossiavelos at the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court last week accused of assault offences.

Jamie Desmond Pitson and Jett Pitson were each accused of two counts of aggravated commit assault with no weapon and were adjourned to reappear in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on May 14.

Matthew Scott Blenkiron appeared via phone from the Port Augusta Magistrates Court accused of three counts of aggravated assault against his own child or spouse with no weapon.

Mr Glenkiron was remanded to reappear in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on April 29 with other matters.

Jessica Sandra Denton faced court via audio visual link from custody accused of two counts of assaulting an emergency worker or police officer among a number of other matters.

Ms Denton was released under strict bail conditions to Catherine House in Adelaide and will reappear in court via audio visual link on June 4.

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