River mouth reopens

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River mouth reopens

The Glenelg River mouth has been reopened after being closed for several weeks leading to rising water levels around Nelson.

Late last week staff from the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority, Parks Victoria and Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action Forest Fire Management undertook an authorised river mouth opening on the Glenelg River estuary at Nelson.

A Glenelg Hopkins CMA spokesperson said works were undertaken in response to current and future flooding impacts, and to balance the environmental, social, economic and recreational values of the estuarine system.

“The Glenelg River estuary had been closed over recent weeks, which is a natural feature of this intermittently closed estuarine system,” the spokesperson said.

“The CMA had been monitoring the system closely, with the hope that a natural estuary opening would occur.

“Unfortunately, this did not happen, as challenging autumn swell and tidal patterns created a very large sand bar/beach berm at the mouth which posed significant flooding and safety impacts on the estuary.

“Opening conditions were Safe, Appropriate and Effective; and works were undertaken under state legislation and Victorian Waterway Management policy delegation.”

The high river levels also made it unsafe for tourist cruises.

The popular Nelson River Cruises advised at the start of the month the rising water levels due to the blocked mouth made it unsafe for them to continue cruising, forcing them to close until levels eased.

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