Round 7 delivers mixed bag of results

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Round 7 delivers mixed bag of results

Round 7 of the Mid South East Netball Association featured two blow outs and two tighter fought tussles.

Port MacDonnell defeated Tantanoola in a nailbiter, taking the match by two goals, while Mount Burr fought out a tough win over Robe, winning the game by 10.

Glencoe proved too strong for Nangwarry, winning 75-11, while in the battle of the birds the Hawks went down to the Mapgies, 44-82.

Port MacDonnell v Tantanoola

Port MacDonnell hosted the Tigers in perfect playing conditions on a warm Autumn day.

The Demons took the first centre pass, both teams applying pressure all over the court in the first few minutes of the game.

Tantanoola defenders Kate Bromley and Bella Poulish set the defensive pressure early, working well together and earning the first turnover of the game.

Port Mac’s defensive duo of Emily Thompson and Alana Berkefeld won the ball back for their side, resulting in the first goal going to the Bay.

The remainder of the quarter was a see-sawing affair, both Thompson and Berkefeld continued to work overtime, getting their hands to a lot of balls.

The Demons’ centre Alysha Coon found space, bringing the ball down the court nicely and using her speed to her advantage.

Port Mac pulled away a couple of times through the quarter but the Tigers stayed with them through strong work in the goal circle from Emma Gould and Jami Walker.

A great first quarter tussle from both teams saw the game all tied up at quarter time, 10-10.

In the second quarter Tigers goalies Gould and Jami Walker swapped bibs, Casey Walker moved into C and Kate Varcoe to WA.

Poulish came out to GD with the fresh legs of Keryl Ousey coming from the bench to GK which gave the Tigers some extra height in their defensive circle.

Port Mac stayed with their starting line-up and the Demons came out firing, with Thompson and Berkefeld getting early interceptions, Coon and Cody Manning worked well in the mid court together, with clever passing into Megan Hein and Kori Collins, who had a strong quarter, shooting at 100%.

Poulish and Ousey worked well together, until Poulish came off with injury, bringing Bromley back on for another run at GD.

Gould and Walker moved well in the circle and were well supported by Kate Varcoe who was having an impressive game.

Tant missed a few opportunities and with Thompson and Berkefeld rebounding well and creating turnovers for the Bay enabling the Demons to edge ahead, leading 25-21 at half time.

There were no changes from either team in the third quarter and Tantanoola came out hard and fast, with some turnovers from Ousey and Bromley helping their team start to close the small gap.

The game became physical as both sides started to tire a little, but neither side was prepared to give an inch.

Jami Walker shot well and was well supported on the ring by sister Casey and Kate Varcoe.

Port Mac’s Hein and Collins were well held this quarter and given limited opportunities, with any missed shots being rebounded by Ousey at GK.

Tantanoola won the quarter with some impressive play and took the slenderest of leads at the final break 32-31.

The final quarter was all Port Mac as Megan Hein dominated at GA with accurate shooting and captain Alana Berkefeld stepping up and providing crucial turnovers for her team, allowing the Bay to edge ahead on the scoreboard.

Gould and Jami Walker did their best to keep their side in the game with creative play in the circle but Berkefeld was unstoppable with great support from Thompson.

Kori Collins was well held by Ousey in the final term but Hein was able to step up and do the majority of the shooting.

It was a physical affair with both teams desperate for the win, but a great spectacle with supporters from both sides appreciating the closeness of the game and the high standard of netball as Port Mac finished on top, 44-42.

Best for the Bay were Kori Collins and Alana Berkefeld while Kate Varcoe and Emma Gould took the honours for the Tigers.

Nangwarry v Glencoe

It was an emotional day for players and supporters at Nangwarry on Saturday as before the start of the A Grade netball and football all senior players from both Glencoe and Nangwarry gathered together on the oval for a minute’s silence for young Nangwarry football player, Dylan Podobnik.

Many players were emotional after being affected by the loss of a friend and teammate.

The young Nangwarry netball team came together and supported each other to take the court, winning the toss and taking the first centre pass.

Glencoe was stronger at the first blow of the whistle though, with star defender Sarah Edwards taking the first intercept and helping her team to score the first goal.

The pressure of the Glencoe side continued throughout the first 15 minutes, making the young Nangwarry side work hard for every possession.

Sarah Edwards used her ability to read the play, taking many intercepts throughout the first quarter.

Nangwarry’s defence also worked tirelessly, with captain Kayla Gray at GK and Jemma Glynn at GD giving their all to try and shut down the experienced Jenna Paproth at GA.

Paproth’s accuracy and movement in the circle was too good though, helping to get her team off to a great start, scoring 14 for the first quarter with the help from her teammate Madeline Watson, scoring five herself.

Taysha Marshall at WD for the Saints was a great help to her team, using her voice and the space of the court to be a backup for the attack line.

The Saints were kept to a score of one in the first quarter.

At the first break, Nangwarry was the only team to make any changes, moving young star Alice Circelli from C to GA and using another talented young player Shandeen Balshaw to fill the WA position, but the two then made a tactical change during this quarter, with Balshaw using her speed and accuracy to add another four goals to the Saints score.

Glencoe used their experience and skills to keep the defence going all the way down the court.

Sarah Edwards and captain Donna Jaeschke both spurred their team on, taking many intercepts and getting rebounds throughout the quarter.

Maddi Stephens in C for the Saints took some control for the Saints, helping her teammate and sister Lacey Neale to bring the ball down the court and gain some more possessions in the goal circle.

The pressure from two young talented up and comers Alice Tentye at C and Makayla Maney at WD was an additional force for the Glencoe side.

Paproth and Watson combined to get their side to a score of 40 by the main break.

Before the start of the third quarter, the Saints decided to make some more changes to their team.

Newcomer to the Saints side Sheridan Sakkers came back onto the court in the GS position.

Sakkers was able to score two for her team in the third quarter and her positivity was definitely a help to her team, on and off the court, helping bring some laughter and fun into the young Nangwarry side.

Paproth once again showed her strength in the goal circle for Glencoe, shooting another 12 from the 17 for her team.

But that would not have been achieved without some beautiful passing and court structure from WA Ashlee Pfitzner, Watson and Tentye.

Gray, still at GK for Nangwarry, used her height and reach to take in as many intercepts and rebounds as possible.

During the quarter Nangwarry used the new rule of tactical changes again, bringing on coach and A Reserve player Chrystal Lock into GD.

Lock’s experience and voice was a much-needed lift for the Saints.

At the final break, Nangwarry was again the only team to make any changes, switching almost all positions.

The young team scored four for the quarter, but that did not reflect the hard work from all players.

Glencoe players Paproth and Edwards starred in their positions down the opposite ends of the court.

Young gun Makayla Maney also showed some amazing talent down the court.

Paproth was able to add 11 to the score board for Glencoe, with Watson adding another seven.

The final score was Nangwarry going down to Glencoe 11-75, with the Saints’ best players Kayla Gray and Taysha Marshall, and for Glencoe it was Madeline Watson and Makayla Maney.

The Nangwarry players and club would like to send their sympathy and love to the family and friends of Dylan Podobnik.

Mount Burr v Robe

Robe took the early break turning the ball to score from Mount Burr’s centre.

It was a close quarter with Robe goalies Demi Carter and Sarah Laurie shooting with almost 100% accuracy.

Robe’s Annie Hunter and Lucy Perkins drove strongly to the circle and fed the goalies precisely.

Danika Shepherd at GA for Mount Burr used her speed to drive the ball into the circle while Kimberly Austin at GK for Robe forced errors, allowing Robe to have a four goal lead at quarter time, 15-11.

Mount Burr’s Madi Haggett at GD and Laurie had a great tussle fighting for every possession, as Ella Easterby at WA for the Mozzies made space and drove well to the circle.

Ashlee Dean in GS and Shepherd rebounded strongly, keeping Mount Burr in the game.

Emillie Gould at GD applied pressure over the shot making Mount Burr take the whole three seconds to shoot.

Robe continued shooting with accuracy, with the Burr’s defence having to work hard creating turnovers to gain possession.

Schultz and Hunter continued to drive strongly for their respective teams, ensuring the ball was delivered smoothly down court.

Robe managed to extend their lead by 2, with the half time score 26-20.

In the third quarter Mount Burr brought on youngster Abbey Falting to WD, attempting to contain the drive of Perkins onto circle edge.

Dean was the focal point in the Mozzies’ circle, shooting at 100%, with Robe’s goalies continuing to share the load.

Robe’s attack line demonstrated patience to find goalies, as Mount Burr’s Haggett and Thiele applied pressure.

The Roosters made a tactical change with Hunter moving into WD and Bates to C, attempting to increase pressure on Easterby.

Schultz continued to be an option through the centre, allowing Mount Burr to retain possession, keeping the margin for the quarter to one, with Robe up 40-33 at the last change.

The final quarter started with both teams working hard defensively.

Robe’s goalies had more scoring opportunities and they continued to shoot accurately, with Bates and Perkins having patience with their passing.

Mount Burr tried to reduce the margin by moving the ball quickly when picking up a turnover, to break open Robe’s zone defense.

This caused some passing errors, which Robe capitalised on.

The Mozzies were unable to create the turnovers required to minimise the lead and after another closely contested quarter, Robe took the win by 10, 44-34.

Kalangadoo v Kongorong

From the opening whistle, both teams showcased quick transitions going goal for goal in the first 15 minutes, with both attack lines converting most of their own centre passes.

At the end of the first quarter, Kalangadoo had a one goal lead in a high scoring quarter, up 18-17.

Kalangadoo’s defence proved to be a formidable force throughout the remainder of the match, applying intense pressure on Kongorong’s attack line and disrupting their rhythm.

Meanwhile, Kalangadoo displayed accuracy and finesse, with Abbey Duncan leading the charge with her front cuts and speed, working with Jayde peacock and Jane Nunan patiently to feed into shooter Ebony McDiarmid with accuracy.

The Kongorong goal circle featured a tight battle between Lara Munro and Tilah Buckingham, with both players refusing to give an inch.

Kongorong’s Evie Sealey created space in the circle and worked the ball in well to Buckingham.

However, it was Kalangadoo’s Georgia Gentile who made her presence felt across the court, delivering a consistent performance in all aspects of the game.

Despite Kongorong’s best efforts, Kalangadoo’s experience and finesse began to shine through as the match progressed.

Youngster Shayden Russell’s debut for Kalangadoo added an extra dimension to the Magpies’ defence, with her hand pressure in the WD position.

Russell had a tight tussle with Zara Von Stanke who hit the circle nicely and fed well to both goalies.

However, errors started to creep into the Hawks’ game with the Pies able to capitalise, although not without the defensive pressure of Rachel Perry and Emily Lightbody.

Kongorong continued to contest fiercely but the sheer experience of Kalangadoo proved too good.

As the final whistle blew, Kalangadoo emerged victorious with a commanding 38-goal lead, taking the match 82-44.

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