Royal treats sweep city

Royal treats sweep city

Beloved bakery ScRoll Queen has proudly opened the doors to its second store, expanding its empire with new and exciting menu options.

The second store is located at 17A Crouch Street South in Mount Gambier and ScRoll Queen founder Dylan McQueen said its outcome had exceeded expectations.

“It has gone above and beyond my plans,” he said.

“I drew it all out early on in a notepad – I wanted that deep, royal blue, glossed tiles, I wanted it to look a bit more sophisticated than our humble beginnings.

“Lots of people are commenting how much they love the space already.”

While the classic, fan-favourite scrolls are still available, loaded scrolls are the latest addition to the menu including a bacon and egg scroll perfect for breakfast and lunch.

“They are really filling and really good value. We are packing in a lot, when we say loaded we mean loaded,” he said.

“Our chef Lochlan has got a lot planned so we are keeping it simple at the moment, but in the future after we find our feet we will be doing a lot more extravagant stuff.

“We are going to have a continual rotating menu of loaded scrolls and be offering all sorts of new and fantastic options for breakfast and lunch as well, not just sweet but savoury alike.”

However, the expansion does not just bring ScRoll Queen’s delicious offerings to a more centralised location – it also introduces coffee into the menu.

Customers can now pair their favourite scrolls with a cup of fresh coffee, a collaboration with local roaster Bricks and Mortar.

“The coffee has been a hit. We are super grateful to Peter and Simone Loring from Bricks and Mortar,” Mr McQueen said.

“They’re supplying us with our coffee; as they are a local roaster, we thought that is the best way to get the freshest coffee bean.

“Pete’s amazing with everything he knows about coffee, he has been training all our staff to make sure our coffees are on point, we are trying to make sure we do everything properly so our coffee matches our delicious scrolls.

“We are also putting in a sparkling water tap and filtered, chilled water as well, we will play with doing different drinks.”

ScRoll Queen began with a small storefront on the outskirts of Mount Gambier in Moorak and, fast forward to today, the bakery has grown into a local sensation.

Mr McQueen said he wanted to open a store in a more convenient location for people in Mount Gambier.

“We definitely had a lot of people say they wish we were in town, we were getting that feedback a lot and we wanted to offer coffee,” he said.

“We are offering a lot more than what we ever have, with coffee now, the loaded scrolls are a big seller, people have been loving those, so we are really happy with how things have been going.

“We are keeping our bakery where it is (at Moorak), that is still open for business as usual and that is where we make all our scrolls.

“We are bringing (the scrolls) down here every day fresh and we do have an oven on site as well, so we are baking some fresh here as well.”

Mr McQueen has a goal to become the ultimate Australian scrolls, with plans to expand to Adelaide and Victoria and turn ScRoll Queen into a franchise.

“This is the blueprint for how we want ScRoll Queen to look going forward in terms of becoming a franchise and expanding to other stores in the future,” he said.

“We’re finding out what we can do with the brand and see what we can offer.

“It is really a test to see what we can do and hopefully we can implement the same thing in Adelaide and Melbourne one day.”

You can stay up to date with ScRoll Queen on Instagram at @scrollqueencoffee1st and

@scrollqueenmtg, or search ScRoll Queen on Facebook.

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