South West hero returns

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South West hero returns

Wylah’s back – and you’re invited to get involved.

The South West’s own superhero is back for another adventure and Glenelg Shire residents are invited to play their part with her creators.

Jordan Gould and Richard Pritchard will hold a special presentation and workshop on their latest book Wylah the Koorie Warrior 2: Custodians, at the Portland library on Friday.

The book follows on from the successful first instalment in the series, Wylah the Koorie Warrior 1: Guardians, published by the Warrnambool-based authors in May 2022, with the original fantasy adventure series aimed at readers aged 8-14.

Wylah: warrior, hero and friend.

Her adventures have been 40,000 years in the making.

Wylah has already accomplished the unbelievable feat of uniting the five Guardians, but her journey is far from over.

Together with her megafauna friends, she must travel through the treacherous and forbidden Valley of the Spirits to face off against the Dragon Army.

Can Wylah defeat the perils that lay ahead and become the ultimate Koorie Warrior?

At the Portland library event you can create your own Megabeast to win a prize and participate in a live character card design with Wylah co-author and illustrator Richard Pritchard which will become an official trading card.

Fans of Pokémon will not want to miss this.

Peek Whurrong man Jordan Gould is an Indigenous Australian passionate about teaching and talking to groups about culture, language and reconciliation.

Richard Pritchard is an Indigenous Pacific Islander who has worked on feature films such as The Great Gatsby, Happy Feet, Mad Max: Fury Road and Prometheus.

The event will be held at the library from 4.15-5.30pm.

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