Student nurses treated to apartment upgrade

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Student nurses treated to apartment upgrade

Student nurses are set to return to their upgraded digs in the grounds of Millicent and District Hospital.

The Millicent and Surrounding Areas Health Support Group has spearheaded the makeover of the 1960s-era matron’s apartment into comfortable accommodation for student nurses on placement.

Undertaken in three stages over the past 17 months, the makeover has been assisted by volunteer labour as well as donations of cash and goods.

MASH spokesperson Simone Berry said the final stage was about updating the bathroom and in particularly separating the toilet

“The Millicent Lions Club members have gone over above with their help on this stage of the project and we really appreciate it,” Ms Berry said.

“Club president David Taylor has put in a mountain of hours with constructing the wall that separates the toilet and bathroom, tiling, framing out the new doorway and lots of other jobs that made our jobs much easier.

“We were joined by Millicent Lions Quentin Pietsch and Trevor Waring whose advice and expertise were fantastic.

“To complete the last stage, we need to fit the new toilet as well as the new basins, vanities, shower screens, glass tops and fly screens.”

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