Sunlight shines on skin checks

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Sunlight shines on skin checks

Residents in the Mount Gambier region can have a potentially life-saving free skin check thanks to Lions.

The Lions Skin Cancer Screening Unit will visit the city on March 19 and 20, hosted by the Lions Club of Mount Gambier and Lions Club of Blue Lake City Lioness.

Appointments will open on March 1.

Lions Club of Mount Gambier president Beccy Field said the team will head to Mount Gambier after attending the SE Field Days at Lucindale, where one previous visit resulted in 75 out of almost 200 people being found to have suspicious lesions, with 51 lesions classed as potentially life-threatening.

“The earlier the cancer is detected, the higher the chance a patient is able to make a full recovery,” she said.

“Although Melanoma can be small on the surface it can spread quickly if left untreated.

“The screening only takes 15 minutes and could save your life.”

Skin cancer risk factors include personal or family history of skin cancer, fair complexion, skin that tends to burn, presence of freckles, high numbers of moles, blue or green eyes, light or red hair colour, people who suffered sunburn in childhood, older age, male.

The purpose-built 19m long, 3.6m high Lions Skin Cancer Screening unit was funded by Lions Clubs across the organisation’s C2 district and has three cubicles which allows three screeners to work at the same time.

There is also a reception area where people can fill in the small amount of paperwork required.

To make an appointment for the Mount Gambier visit phone Lion Lyn Fulton 0407 053 943.

The unit will be sited in the Mount Gambier Marketplace car park.

People are advised to arrive 15 minutes prior to their appointment.

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