Meet your new crop of dance stars

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Meet your new crop of dance stars

Stand Like Stone’s annual gala charity fundraising event is booked in for June 22, with a host of stars set to shine on the dance floor.

The key fundraiser for the Stand Like Stone Foundation continues to raise significant funds enabling the distribution of community grants and scholarships across the Limestone Coast region.

Stand Like Stone chief executive Roger Babolka said the event has raised over $1m for Stand Like Stone since the inaugural event held in 2008.

“Although we say each year that we’re looking forward to another great event, this year is definitely going to be big,” he said.

“This year the eight Stars that have put their hands up to raise much needed funds for the foundation are coming from across the region, including Mount Gambier, Robe, Naracoorte/Lucindale, Penola/Coonawarra and Marcollat.”

Mr Babolka said the 2024 Stars have recently commenced learning the four dances they will perform in front of a crowd of more than 550 family members, friends, work colleagues and party goers at the Barn in June.

“Not only are our Stars flat out learning the dance routines under the expert tutelage of Kim Cella and the great team at Hype Dance, they’re also out and about raising funds and awareness for the Foundation,” he said.

“Swinging with the Stars really is an amazing event.

Not only do our stars have a lot of fun raising money for their community, but they do so knowing the money they raise will have a positive and lasting impact for the people of the Limestone Coast for many, many years to come.”

Mr Babolka said organisers were confident that Swinging with the Stars will be another huge success in 2024 and are expecting another sell-out at The Barn.

Tickets will go on sale soon.

For more information, or to donate, visit

The 2024 Stars hitting the dancefloor at The Barn will be:

Ella Boston: An SSO at Naracoorte High School, Ella is an all year-round sports person who has a liking for the dance floor.

So fitness and a dancing history has to make Ella a contender for the 2024 crown.

Ella will be raising funds for the Naracoorte and District Sub Fund.

Kezia Feast: An ex-student and now teacher at Allendale East Area School, Kezia was a keen dancer back in her school days and has always admired those who have put their hands up to be a Star.

When the Principal of Allendale Area School asked Kezia to consider being a Star this year, she just could not say no.

Kezia will be raising funds for the Steven Noble Memorial Sub Fund.

Nathan McCarthy: A stock agent for Elders, Nathan considers being asked by his local community to be a ‘Star’ is an honour and a privilege.

He’s looking forward to learning some new moves and to show off his newly developed dancing talents to his family and friends in June.

But more importantly he’s hoping to raise funds for the Lucindale Area School Sub Fund, but also have a few laughs along the way.

Shekinah Horsburgh: A teacher at Grant High School, Shekinah has seen first-hand how Stand Like Stone supports the community through one of her siblings who received a scholarship from the foundation.

Shekinah has an arts background, plays the clarinet and saxophone and is part of the Mount Gambier Theatre Group.

Shekinah will be raising funds for the Grant High School Sub Fund.

Tyler Michielan: An electrician with Godrik Construction and Electrical, Tyler has played for the International Soccer Club for the last 12 years and has also represented South Australia in the ‘Ultimate Fiji Soccer Cup’ tournament in 2017 and 2018.

Tyler believes being a Star is going to be a great experience, but also a great opportunity to give back to the community.

Tyler will be raising funds for the Stand Like Stone General Sub Fund.

Bec Hurst: Growing up in Avenue Range, Bec married the boy next door and is now a registered nurse and a farmer’s wife in Robe.

Bec’s looking forward to representing her community and learning how to dance.

In her words, can an old duck be taught new tricks? I guess we’ll find out on June 22.

Bec is raising funds for the Poppy Crozier Memorial Sub Fund.

Cory O’Connor: A teacher at Penola High School, Cory heads up the agricultural program which sees his students getting out of the classroom and into the paddock and is also a recent recipient of an Environment and Sustainability Australia Day Award.

So, it looks like Cory is going from being the teacher to the student and hoping to gain another award in June.

Cory is raising funds for the Penola Coonawarra Wellbeing Sub Fund.

Chris Williams: A family man and owner of Chris Williams Painting, Chris agreed to take up the challenge of being a Star in 2024 because of his wife’s encouragement, but also to do something good for his community.

A lifetime member of the South Gambier Football Club, Chris says he’s not a dancer and is embarrassed when having to get up and dance.

So, getting up in front of more than 550 people at the Barn should be interesting.

Chris will be raising funds for the Mental Health and Wellbeing Limestone Coast Sub Fund.

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