Tag: 5thefm

Outdated radio station constitution re-drafted

The outdated constitution of Millicent community radio station 5THE FM has been re-drafted by its management board headed by chairman David Walshaw.
The present constitution...

Cyber standoff

Wattle Range Council will not meet the ransom demands of cyber criminals who successfully hacked into its data base last month.
Some sensitive stolen personal...

Radio station’s bid for permanent licence

A Millicent not-for-profit community group headed by David Walshaw (pictured) was handed a significant task in the days before Christmas by a Federal Government...

Boost for community radio station

Millicent community radio station 5THE FM management committee chair David Walshaw is pleased his not-for-profit organisation recently received a $3,000 grant from the Stand...

Wave of station support

Record numbers have nominated to take part in the first major fundraiser for the revived Millicent community radio station 5THE-FM. After an absence of around...

Radio station debt waived

Millicent community radio station 5THE FM has had a $20,000 debt waived and has secured a temporary licence to resume regular broadcasts. Both pieces of...

Station looks to slash debt

Acommunity group in Millicent is looking to crowd funding in a bid to clear its $20,000 debt to a private company. Millicent community radio station...

Millicent radio station debt halved

The new management of Millicent community radio station 5THE-FM has more than halved the $100,000 debt incurred under the previous regime. Chairman David Walshaw and...

Railway station to be sold

The former Millicent Railway Station is set to be sold by the State Government after being on the open market for over four years. There...

Radio station probe continues

Federal and state regulators are continuing to probe the multiple complaints lodged about the management and governance of Millicent community radio station 5THE FM. They...