Tag: forest

Fire tech upgrade nears completion

The $2m government-funded program to either upgrade or replace eight pre-existing fire spotting towers in this region is nearing completion.
They are being upgraded with...

Fungi glowing concern

Glowing biolumiscent fungi has attracted thousands of tourists to Ghost Mushroom Lane in Glencoe at night-time during recent years, but there is concern the...

Reserve named in Mills’ honour

ASouth East family has been honoured with the naming of a forest reserve to recognise the mark the Mills have made on the region’s...

Forest images receive air time

Aselection of images from OneFortyOne’s annual forest photography competition are now on display at the Mount Gambier Airport in the gallery space tucked behind...

Rare forestry insight shared

Arare insight into the region’s vital forest industry was provided at the latest monthly meeting of the South East Family History Group in Millicent. Guest...

Forestry expert plants knowledge in region

World expert in the forestry sector Dr Rupert Wimmer recently visited the Green Triangle region, offering international insights for future innovation. Dr Wimmer is an...

Forest group praises red tape chop

The South Australian Forest Products Association (SAFPA) has hailed the Federal Government’s move to abolish a red tape barrier preventing new timber plantings participating...

Cutting-edge tech new industry reality

Cutting-edge technology is unveiling countless possibilities for the future of the forestry industry. University of South Australia Interactive and Virtual Environments Lab PhD student Spencer...

OneFortyOne looks to future with new leader

OneFortyOne has announced the appointment of Wendy Norris (pictured) as its new chief executive effective from mid-June. Ms Norris is currently the deputy chief investment...

Forestry celebration

OneFortyOne released its annual review last week to coincide with International Day of Forests and in celebration of its 10th year of operation. The publication...

Forestry plan launched

The Strategic Plan for the Forestry Centre of Excellence was officially launched by the State Government last week. The strategic plan lays out the vision...

Forest growth research identified

Expansion of forestry plantations and trees on farms are a likely outcome in an emerging carbon market as the economy looks for pathways to...

Forest research support

Two tiers of government have provided $3m for research proposals to help develop forest and wood products industries in the Green Triangle region. Researchers will be...

Regional forest connection highlighted

OneFortyOne’s 2022 Forest Photo Competition winners have been selected. Launched on International Day of Forests in March, the competition received over 150 photo entries from...

Forestry campaign branches out

Two local young foresters feature in a new campaign to promote the industry to school students. Jack Carter and Courtney Pink are two of the...