Talented student adds another jewel to crown

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Talented student adds another jewel to crown

Mount Gambier secondary school graduate Ruby Wallace has added another honour to her academic record.

She was the best-performing Year 12 student in 2023 across the Limestone Coast region and is now the proud recipient of a Governor of South Australia Commendation.

With family members looking on, Ms Wallace recently received her certificate at Government House in Adelaide from Governor, Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC.

Her citation stated Ms Wallace had demonstrated a deep understanding and command of language and excelled in all forms of literacy actively.

She assisted her peers and younger students in enhancing their literacy skills.

Her Year 12 Research Project focused on the effectiveness of prisons in rehabilitation and reducing recidivism, and her association with ac.care gave her unique insights into the lives of prisoners and those recently released.

Ms Wallace is a keen upcycler and upcycles much of her own clothing.

She contributes to the Recycled Runway fundraiser organised by ac.care for local homelessness services.

As well as completing her SACE subjects, Ms Wallace has completed two university courses.

The Governor of South Australia Commendations recognise excellence in Year 12 SACE subjects and student’s personal achievements inside and outside of the school community.

SACE Board chief executive Michaela Bensley said this year’s Governor of South Australia Commendation recipients are excellent ambassadors for the entire SACE class of 2023, which had shown creative thinking, community leadership, resilience, skill and passion for learning inside and outside of the classroom.

“The SACE Board congratulates the 2023 Governor of South Australia Commendation recipients, their loved ones and the educators and communities that have supported them through their 13 years of schooling,” she said.

A panel comprising Her Excellency and representatives from school, vocational education and training, and business sectors determine which nominated students receive a Commendation.

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