Tarpeena drink driver loses licence

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Tarpeena drink driver loses licence

ATarpeena man has pleaded guilty to drink driving after recording a blood alcohol concentration more than four times the legal limit.

Brian Philby appeared in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court in front of Magistrate Koula Kossiavelos last week.

Mr Philby was also convicted of driving a motor vehicle not authorised after a drink driving disqualification and had not held a licence for over a decade.

The charges relate to offences on February 18, 2024, at Tarpeena in which Mr Philby was stopped by police for driver screening tests, recorded a BAC of .203 and was found to be unlicensed.

Mr Philby was caught drink driving on August 11, 2012, disqualified for four years and had not held a licence since.

In sentencing, Magistrate Kossiavelos warned driving a motor vehicle not authorised after a drink driving disqualification “has in recent times been changed to almost a criminal offence because it can involve imprisonment”.

“I am not going to give you imprisonment if you have not committed this before,” she said.

“You cannot drive without a licence after a drink driving or drug driving offence. There’s a process you have to go through and now you are going to pay the price.

“Under no circumstances should you drive again because you could go to prison for that offence.”

Mr Philby was sentenced to a three year licence disqualification effective immediately, an additional one year licence disqualification back dated to February 18, 2024, a six month good behaviour bond and an $1100 fine.

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