Toilet block plan dead and buried

Toilet block plan dead and buried

Apermanent toilet facility will not be constructed at the Port MacDonnell cemetery.

Due to infrequent use of the cemetery, Grant District Council will instead look at an alternative option.

The matter was discussed when council met recently.

A report tabled in the meeting agenda presented the options for the provision of toilet facilities as currently none exist at the cemetery.

The closest public toilet facility is located 3.5km on Sea Parade.

Corporate Services director Gary Button said three options were presented to council to consider at its budget adoption meeting held in June.

The three options included a new permanent structure, council owned portable facility, or a portable toilet hired from a third-party.

Council’s Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel was invited to be included in discussions relating to the matter.

Given the infrequent usage of the cemetery, the panel recommended a portable facility be purchased.

“Based on the recommendation, council could consider a portable toilet facility, with the advantage that it can be used in other locations when required,” Mr Button said.

Mr Button provided costings of the options to council.

“At a cost of approximately $100,000 for a permanent structure that would be infrequently used and require cleaning, maintenance and could be subject to potential vandalism,” he said.

“A portable option was investigated with costs ranging from $20,000 to $50,000 to purchase.

“Fees to hire a standard portable toilet range from $180 per day to $500 per day for a disabled accessible toilet.”

Mr Button noted regular cleaning and maintenance of these options had not been costed.

In his report, Mr Button summarised the number of burials that have occurred each year since 2017 to 2022, with four being the average per year.

“There is no data available for the number of visitors to the cemetery per year, however council has received only one request for toilet facilities to be installed at the cemetery,” he said.

Mr Button said no allowance had been made for a toilet

at the cemetery in the annual budget,

“A budget variation would need to be approved,” he said.

With these factors in mind, Mr Button recommended council do not proceed with a permanent toilet facility due to infrequent use.

It was resolved that council will seek to promote and provide permission for a private hire option through a third-party hirer.

However, he said further consideration for the request could be deferred to the new council as part of the 2023-24 annual budget process.

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